746 examples of shark in sentences

The thin soap slips And slithers like a shark under the ships.

["The Town Clerk of Colwyn Bay informs us that the fish caught there the other day by two youths was a dogfish and not a shark, as reported, and that its size was much overestimated.

But now comes in the cold Town Clerk, Who has meticulously stated It was a dogfishnot a shark In size much overestimated.

" At a late meeting of the Wernerian Society at Edinburgh, the Rev. Dr. Scot read a paper on the great fish that swallowed up Jonah, showing that it could not be a whale, as often supposed, but was probably a white shark.

There was one of them that used to fix his long legs on my fender, and tell a story of a shark, every night, endless, immortal.

I have slain the beri-beri with a ball from my knobkerry; I have climbed the Pole and leapt across the Line; I've seen seals in Abyssinia and volcanoes in Virginia, And I've dived into the shark-infested Rhine.

" CHAPTER IV. O'er the stormy, wide, and billowy deep, Where the whale, the shark, and the sword-fish sleep; And amidst the plashing and feathery foam, Where the stormy-petrel finds a home.

Some capital sport must arise occasionally, when the sharks, which are here very numerous and large, gorge the bait; for, whenever this occurs, unless the angler cuts his line, (and that, as the shark is more valued by them than any other fish, he is often unwilling to do,) nothing can prevent his rude machine from following their track; and the fisherman is sometimes, in consequence, carried out a great distance to sea.

A little group not far from 'Tchusan' is called 'the Bear and Cubs;' another 'Lowang,' or 'Buffalo's Nose;' another 'Chutta-than,' or 'Shovel-nosed Shark.'

Much has been said of the danger of these fisheries, both from the shark, and another enemy called the 'Manta.' which crushes its victim.

But the shark is ever a coward, and no match for an expert diver with a knife; and accidents rarely occur.

Shark's Bay, on the west, and Hervey's Bay, on the east, are the next in size.

Here and there, in a badly lit shop with a greenish glass window, an old chemist with the air of a wizard was measuring out for a blue-coated customer an ounce of dried lizard flesh, some powdered shark's eggs, or slivered horns of mountain deer.

Unless a shark has eaten it.

I caught sight of a shark as I came well out into the ocean.

Once in awhile we see a shark in our Mediterranean, but they do not abound there.

When he lived at Passy, a new quarry of stone was opened in the garden of Mr. Ray de Chaumont, and, at the depth of twenty feet, was found among the rocks a shark's tooth, in perfect preservation, which I suppose my Portland friend would account for as he did for his conger eel, though the tooth was not petrified.

The superior glutton is the shark,that mouth with fins, that natatory intestine which swallows with equal indifference the dead and the living, flesh and wood, cleanses the waters of life and leaves a desert behind its wriggling tail; but this destroyer brings forth only one shark that is born armed and ferocious ready from the very first moment to continue the paternal exploits, like a feudal heir.

The superior glutton is the shark,that mouth with fins, that natatory intestine which swallows with equal indifference the dead and the living, flesh and wood, cleanses the waters of life and leaves a desert behind its wriggling tail; but this destroyer brings forth only one shark that is born armed and ferocious ready from the very first moment to continue the paternal exploits, like a feudal heir.

Some believed that he must have had a struggle with a shark or some other of the carnivorous fish that abound in the Mediterranean waters.

Go on your way, you enamored old shark, and let me go mine.

Shark's fins and millet.

R632918. Shark River.

The Phantom shark; a Rick Brant science-fiction story.

order of the day" A secret overhearer might have followed, by these occasional exclamatory utterances, the course of a devouring trouble prowling up and down through his thoughts, as one's eye tracks the shark by the occasional cutting of his fin above the water.

746 examples of  shark  in sentences