108 examples of sharpshooters in sentences

The rebel sharpshooters, hurrying to the flank, poured in hurtling, murderous volleys, filling the minds of the panic-stricken mob with the idea, the most awful that can enter a soldier's mind, that his line is surrounded.

The enemy's trenches were filled with men,regulars as well as Tories,all of whom worked with a will, and at different points sharpshooters were stationed to pick off our sentinels.

"Only that we've given the enemy's sharpshooters a chance all the forenoon without interferin' to any great extent, an' now we're countin' on takin' our turn.

The force of sharpshooters to which Sergeant Corney was assigned had been stationed on the north and east sides of the fort, where they could command a view of the British and Tory encampments and the trenches.

It must not be supposed that our sharpshooters found all the targets they desired, else had we wiped St. Leger's force out in a twinkling; but there were in the white portion of his army a sufficient number who scorned to show fear of what we might be able to do, and these kept our men so engaged that the reports of the rifles were ringing out almost without intermission.

Occupying the opposite and southern heights, I had been able to perceive exactly all the positions held by the Bourbonists, while the latter could scarcely see the line of sharpshooters formed by the Genoese carbineers under Mosto, who covered our front, all the other companies being drawn up en échelon behind them.

These sharpshooters are often concealed far in advance of their troops.

My crew were aiming like sharpshooters and both torpedoes went to their bull's-eye.

By the side of the brook, on this side the road, English sharpshooters are in hiding.

The trenches were from seven to eight feet deep; but by climbing up into the little scarps of the sharpshooters and resting our elbows in niches in the earth, meantime keeping our heads down to escape the attentions of certain Frenchmen who were reported to be in a wood half a mile away, we could, with the aid of our glasses, make out the buildings in Rheims, some of which were then on fireparticularly the great Cathedral.

Our sappers, too, found it not only difficult, but dangerous, to work in the advanced trenches below the ridge, being always met by a murderous musketry from the enemy's sharpshooters, who fired down behind breastworks.

My informant said that he himself was running from the village, where a skirmish was going on between a regiment of the enemy (Germans) and Belgian carabineers, that he was racing for his life through a rain of bullets, etc., etc., and that under fire of sharpshooters he stumbled across this body.

So later he went back (still under fire of the sharpshooters) and counted the number of holes in the man's shirt; there were six, he told me, and he was sure from the shape of the holes that they were the result of bayonets, not bullets.

The Germans were within a few yards when a German automobile carrying a machine gun bore down on them and discovered their position, but the English sharpshooters picked off the five men the car carried before they could fire a shot, and after that it was every man for himselfwhat the French call "sauve qui peut.

Every German regiment carries a number of sharpshooters whose business is to pick off the officers.

We had been cut off from our pack train, as the Spanish sharpshooters shot our mules as soon as they came anywhere near the lines, and it was impossible to move supplies.

The Indians had erected a block-house near the entrance, filled with sharpshooters, who also lined the palisades.

We left the Belgian Army cheering the Stars and Stripes, and came to the outpost of sharpshooters.

It was hard indeed to lie and watch their comrades below being picked off, one after another, by these abominable sharpshooters, without a chance of hitting back.

As a last resource, I went up into the Adirondacks to raise a company of sharpshooters.

On prow and poop there were quartered four companies of Asiatic sharpshooters,little, yellowish, with oblique eyes and voices like the miauling of cats.

The black sharpshooters from the center of Africa showed their smiling teeth of marble to the bronze giants with huge white turbans who had come from India.

The sidewalks were now swept by women, and squads of Senegalese sharpshooters were unloading the cargoes,shivering with cold in the sunny winter days, and bent double as though dying under the rain or the breeze of the Mistral.

The same types from the army of the East crowded its sidewalks,English dressed in khaki, Canadians and Australians in hats with up-turned brims, tall, slender Hindoos with coppery complexion and thick fan-shaped beards, Senegalese sharpshooters of a glistening black, and Anammite marksmen with round yellow countenance and eyes forming a triangle.

Ferragut, always running, remained behind the negro sharpshooters, the stevedores, the harbor guard, the seamen that were hastening from all sides crowding in the alleyways between the boxes and bundles....

108 examples of  sharpshooters  in sentences