1288 examples of shawl in sentences

She drew back the shawl that covered her child, with a faint, far-off gleam of pride in her eyes.

Paul nodded and drew aside the shawl.

As the orator's wild and frenzied eye travelled round the room it lighted on a form near the doora man standing a head and shoulders above any one in the room, a man enveloped in an old brown coat, with a woollen shawl round his throat, hiding half his face.

Not the slightest feeling of triumph was in my heart; all was happiness and rejoicing: and it was in this condition of mind and heart that I put on my bonnet and shawl to carry the good news to Dr. Schmidt.

"A woman, ragged, with an old shawl over her head, met me in an alley in Philadelphia late one night.

I had only a shawl left; and wrapping my arms in its thin folds, while the children grasped my skirt, we proceeded slowly along.

And I went to the old witch that I had seen before and she sat in her parlour with a red shawl round her shoulders still knitting the golden cloak, and faintly through one of her windows the elfin mountains shone

As soon as the door was shut on that astonished man I turned to the right and went along the street till I saw the gardens and the cottages, and a little red patch moving in a garden, which I knew to be the old witch wearing her shawl.

And whenever I take her down stairs from a ball, She nods to some puppy to put on her shawl: I'm a peaceable man, and I don't like a brawl: Where is she gone, where is she gone?

For the purpose of thinking, a simple but very effective costume may be devised by throwing over the kimono itself a thin lace shawl, with a fichu carried high above the waistline and terminating in a plain insertion.

In a moment she was down again; the screaming foulard had given place to a house dress; the red toque had been substituted by a shawl.

She toasted marshmallows over the gas jet; she spread a shawl on the trunk; or she surprised Freddy by pinning pictures out of the funny page on the wall.

You will be surprised, I dare say, to hear that I am writing out of doors; I can hardly, myself, believe that it is possible to do so with comfort and safety at this season, but it is perfectly charming weather, neither cold or hot, and with a small shawl and my bloomer on, I am out a large part of the day.

I have been writing this in my shawl and bonnet, expecting every instant to hear the bell toll for church, and now it is time to go.

Again, "One of the most pleasing characteristics of Hamburgh, is the neat little, rosy-faced, fair-haired soubrette, tripping along the Yungferstieg, with a basket under her right arm, covered with a handsome shawl of glowing colours.

Hester had her hat and shawl with her; but Mrs. Bolton did not suspect that she would endeavour to escape now without returning for her child.

"I'll just throw a shawl around, if you can't," she urged, nudging her shoulder.

"It's arrayed like a bride" "A bridal veil, dear?" "'No, no, a shawl, a rug!"

She threw over her neck the silk shawl with which she had covered her head.

Well he knew that Remedios haggled for everything down to the last céntimo, and that her one extravagance was an occasional new shawl for the local Virgin, and an annual fiesta for the Saint with a large orchestra and hundreds of candles!

I have got a shawl for her in my chest.

She dwelt dolefully upon the merits of each particular article, most especially upon a French-merino dress she had bought for Stephen's wedding, which would have lasted her a lifetime, and a Paisley shawl, the gift of her deceased husband, which had been in her possession twenty years, and had not so much as a thin place in it.

So touched at heart was Ysolinde that she slipped her hand down from my arm and took my hand instead, flirting a corner of her shawl cleverly over both, to hide the fact from the men-at-armsas Helene could not have done to save her life.

" She netted her fingers in mine beneath the shawl.

" Hope hurried out, and soon returned with his child, wrapped up in a nice warm shawl he had bought her with Bartley's money.

1288 examples of  shawl  in sentences