24 examples of she-devils in sentences

Gayman now visits Lady Fulbank and gives her some account of his adventures with the she-devil, all of which he half jestingly ascribes to magic.

And that not because my own particular hell wasn't hot enough, but just because I wouldn't have it said that I'd ever loved any she-devil enough to let her be my ruin.

But I'll have it out with that she-devil!"

"Ah!" roared Malmayns, raising himself in bed, as he perceived her, "are you come back again, you she-devil?

" "Hold your tongue, you she-devil," cried Chowles, "it is you who have brought me into this straitand if you do not cease taunting me, I will silence you for ever.

"You demon; you she-devil!"

Helen of Troy is a she-devil, and becomes the final means of Faust's destruction.

"But what about the prying she-devil that runs the house?" "Hush, for God's sake!" broke in Mr. Ladley, and after that they spoke in whispers.

"The 'she-devil' has brought you some tea," I said.

"Where shall she put it?" "'She-devil'!"

"It's a very thoughtful she-devil.

I lay there, wide awake, thinking about Mr. Pitman's death, and how I had come, by degrees, to be keeping a cheap boarding-house in the flood district, and to having to take impudence from everybody who chose to rent a room from me, and to being called a she-devil.

I seemed to hear again, all at once, the lapping of the water Sunday morning as it began to come in over the door-sill; the sound of Terry ripping up the parlor carpet, and Mrs. Ladley calling me a she-devil in the next room, in reply to this very voice.

I am the old she-devil.

Is it a ghost or a she-devil or what?"

The sepoys replied, "O King, it is neither a ghost nor a she-devil, it is your Queen Patmadhavrani."

To the credit of New Orleans be it recorded, that the knowledge of this atrocity having come to white ears, her house was broken open, every article it contained pulled out in the street and burnt, and, had she not succeeded in eluding search, the she-devil would have been most assuredly reduced to ashes with her own goods.

You are a perfect she-devil.

It was just a soaked carabao rising from his deep wallow in the stream, but that she-devil, the gray bell-mare, tried to climb the cliffs about it.

To one who knew her not, she was a wild beast, fitter for a cage in a Zoo than for human use, a wild-eyed, screaming man-eating she-devil; and none knew her save Mr. John Robin Ross-Ellison, who had bought her unborn.

"The she-devil designs some horrible and obscure mischief, she plans I know not what.

From this it is obvious why we often see very intelligent, nay, distinguished men married to dragons and she-devils, and why we cannot understand how it was possible for them to make such a choice.

The mother of Solano was a she-devil under the saddle, and killed two men by throwing herself upon them; and the sire was Satanas, of whom stories are told around the camp-fires as far south as San Luis Obispo.

"Perhaps also the Senecas and Cayugas; for this she-devil, Catrine Montour, is a Huron-Seneca, and her nation will follow her.

24 examples of  she-devils  in sentences