5 examples of sheaved in sentences

The hillside is like a field, covered with sheaved grainwith a thousand mangled bodies that had been men.

Even Mr. Powis, my right-hand man, in all that African affair, has deserted me, and left me like a single dead pine in one of your clearings, or a jewel-block dangling at a yard-arm, without a sheave.

They consist of eight separate machines, which work in succession, so as to begin and finish off a two-sheaved block four inches in length.

Only the years, the imperturbable, Impassionate years, can sheave the scattered rays Into one sun, these mingled arrows tell Each to its quiver, the divine and fell, And life's lone meteors to their centre trace.

On the 24th Mr. Roe visited the Cape to fix on the post a memorial of our visit; an inscription was carved upon a small piece of wood in the back of which was deposited another memorandum written upon vellum; the wood was of the size of the sheave-hole of the larger post, into which it was fixed, and near it

5 examples of  sheaved  in sentences