10 examples of sheppard's in sentences

The best modern authorities are Tillemont's History of the Emperors; Gibbon's Decline and Fall; Milmans's History of Christianity; Neander; Sheppard's Fall of Rome; and Flécier's Life of Theodosius.

On the one hand a slave on Moseley Sheppard's plantation informed his master of the plot; on the other hand there fell such a deluge of rain that the swelling of the streams kept most of the conspirators from reaching the rendezvous.

N. Sheppard's S.S. Class, Cong.

However, none were a whit the wiser for knowing Miss Sheppard's name.

Yet, welcomed or not, there is no record of any female prose-writer's ever having lived who possessed more than a portion of that genius which permeated Elizabeth Sheppard's whole being.

Miss Sheppard's style was something very novel.

After reading Miss Sheppard's juveniles, you feel that you have been in most good and innocent company all day; and since it is necessary for an author to become for the moment that nature of which he writes, this author must have been something very good and innocent in herself in order to uphold this strain so long.

Miss Sheppard's plots are not conspicuous, for her characters make circumstance and are their own fate; still her capacity in that line is finely exhibited by the plot of the opera of "Alarcos."

Between the publication of Miss Sheppard's second book and "Rumour" two others were issued,"Beatrice Reynolds" and "The Double Coronet,"for which one wishes there were some younger sister, some Acton or Ellis, to whom to impute them,evidently the result of illness, weariness, and physical weakness, perhaps wrung from her by inexorable necessity, but which should never have been written.

But you must understand that it ran directly counter to Ezra Sheppard's ideal of the simple God-fearing life.

10 examples of  sheppard's  in sentences