40 examples of ship-building in sentences

The circus opened one afternoon in a large cityone in which lived many thousands of men employed in a large ship-building plant.

Nor was his knowledge confined to literature alone; it was extended to the arts, especially architecture, ship-building, and silver-workmanship.

An extraordinary purpose now seized the mind of the Czar, which was to travel in the various countries of Europe, and learn something more especially about ship-building, on which his heart was set.

The last few years have consolidated and secured this relation in the case of such powerful staple industries in England as mining, ship-building, iron-work, and even in the weaker low-skilled industries the relation is gradually winning recognition.

Further, a number of men are withdrawn from agriculture and employed in ship-building and seafaring, in order that sugar, coffee, tea and other goods may be imported.

With the exception of a little ship-building, hardly any other pursuit than weaving is carried on; the loom is rarely wanting in a household.

The chief town is St. Helier's,its principal trade is with Newfoundland: ship-building is carried on extensively.

It is owing in still greater measure to the value of Oak-wood for ship-timber,especially as those full-grown trees which have sprung up by the road-sides, and the noble pasture Oaks, contain the greatest number of those joints which are in special demand for ship-building.

But the principal objection is, that no duties are laid on shippingthat in fact the carrying trade was to be vested in a great measure in the Americans; that the ship-building business was principally carried on in the Northern States.

But the principal objection is, that no duties are laid on shippingthat in fact the carrying trade was to be vested in a great measure in the Americans; that the ship-building business was principally carried on in the Northern States.

in ship-building experiments, was urged by Mr. Taylor to try and apply the power of steam to vessels.

Any acceleration in our ship-building would have to be provisionally dropped.

On the contrary, we must try not only to prosecute simultaneously the fortification of the coast and the development of the fleet, but we must so accelerate the pace of our ship-building that the requirements of the Naval Act will be met by 1914a result quite possible according to expert opinion.

We shall be compelled, therefore, to adopt, without a moment's delay, special measures which will enable us to be more or less a match for our enemiesI mean accelerated ship-building and rapid increase of the army.

"But, my friend," he urged, doubtfully, "do you not remember, that, after the Romans had painfully learnt ship-building from the Carthaginians, they vanquished them with their own weapons?

Do you suppose that in ship-building the silly little things would ever advance beyond scows?

ARMADALE (Allan), bluff young Englishman, devoted to the sea and ship-building, and prone to fall in love.

Here, however, he found it so hard to support himself as a blacksmith that he set to work to learn the trade of ship's smitha remunerative one in those days, when Liverpool was the centre of the ship-building trade.

At Marietta, at the mouth of the Muskingum, ship-building is carried on; and vessels have been constructed at Pittsburg, full 2000 miles from the gulf of Mexico.

Weak England might be in plants for making arms for an army, but not in ship-building.

We had also one of Mehemet Ali's protégés on board, a young Egyptian, who had been educated at the Pasha's expense in England, where he had resided for the last ten years, latterly in the neighbourhood of a dock-yard, in order to study the art of ship-building.

After inspecting the church and village, we walked for some distance along the beach, and saw a great many parrots, parakeets, and large wood-pigeons, of varied and beautiful plumage, flying amongst the splendid kanari* trees, which, from all accounts, afford most valuable timber for ship-building. (*Footnote.

Boston became noted for ship-building, and Portsmouth supplied the royal navy with spars.

Nothing escaped his searching inquiries concerning the form of government, the system of elections, the ship-building actively carried on in the great arsenal, and the extent and variety of commercial intercourse with foreign nations.

Here are these Americans, now, making innovations in ship-building, and in the sparring of vessels, as if any thing could be gained by quitting the customs and opinions of their ancestors!

40 examples of  ship-building  in sentences