21 examples of shipbroker in sentences

"A shipbroker stated a sum at which he would take her off our hands.

He's coming back to Sunwich and going into partnership with old Swann, the shipbroker.

" "It seems to me," said the bewildered shipbroker, carefully replacing the paper, "that my young friend is looking out for another partner.

"His last words to me was, 'Smith, 'ave this kept quiet.'" "It'll be a little job for the police," urged the shipbroker.

" "Don't you know it's punishable?" demanded the shipbroker, recovering.

For the first time in his life the genial shipbroker was laid up with a rather serious illness.

"Go on," said the shipbroker, presently.

" "Are you coming to the point or are you not?" demanded the shipbroker.

"A preposterous suggestion to make to a man of my standing," said the shipbroker, ignoring the remark.

" "Very well," said the shipbroker, with a half-indulgent, half-humorous glance.

There was a twinkle in the shipbroker's eyes which irritated him almost beyond endurance, and in the doorway Mr. Kybirdhis face mottled with the intensity of his emotionsstood an unwelcome and frantic witness of his shame.

He's coming back to Sunwich and going into partnership with old Swann, the shipbroker.

" "It seems to me," said the bewildered shipbroker, carefully replacing the paper, "that my young friend is looking out for another partner.

"His last words to me was, 'Smith, 'ave this kept quiet.'" "It'll be a little job for the police," urged the shipbroker.

" "Don't you know it's punishable?" demanded the shipbroker, recovering.

For the first time in his life the genial shipbroker was laid up with a rather serious illness.

"Go on," said the shipbroker, presently.

" "Are you coming to the point or are you not?" demanded the shipbroker.

"A preposterous suggestion to make to a man of my standing," said the shipbroker, ignoring the remark.

" "Very well," said the shipbroker, with a half-indulgent, half-humorous glance.

There was a twinkle in the shipbroker's eyes which irritated him almost beyond endurance, and in the doorway Mr. Kybirdhis face mottled with the intensity of his emotionsstood an unwelcome and frantic witness of his shame.

21 examples of  shipbroker  in sentences