24 examples of shit in sentences




Salt pork.....................Shit-dinkie.

MONEY 5 Cents......Shit-veldak.........1/4 Ruble.

Then we would clean out the croc shit and the left overs of their food which included a lot of bones.

[Med.]; evacuation, dejection, faeces, excrement, shit, stools, crap [Vulg.]; bloody flux; cacation^; coeliac-flux, coeliac- passion; dysentery; perspiration, sweat; subation^, exudation; diaphoresis; sewage; eccrinology [Med.].

[U.S.]; lientery^; garbage, carrion; excreta &c 299; slough, peccant humor, pus, matter, suppuration, lienteria^; faeces, feces, excrement, ordure, dung, crap [Vulg.], shit [Vulg.]; sewage, sewerage; muck; coprolite; guano, manure, compost.

My word!, Holy shit!

" "Shit," Joe said.

When enough people had gathered, the gorilla would sneak one hand behind and below him and without warning blast the tourists with a shit ball that hit the bars and scattered for maximum effect.

If you're sweating, they can't shit on you.

"No shit," Patrick said.

"Bad shit," he said.

" "No shit!" Parker slapped one knee.

" "Shit heads," Art said.

" "No shit?" "Truly.

" "No need of that shit," Paul said.

"No need of that shit."

"Shit," he said.

It doesn't mean shit," Mark said.

On the road again . . . Shit.

"Shit," Oliver said.

" "Shit," Oliver said sympathetically.

24 examples of  shit  in sentences