Do we say shocking or agaist

shocking 743 occurrences

And his mirth broke forth in a strangely shocking spasm.

Then came an afternoon when, returning from a stalk after sheep, I heard strange and shocking noises from the laboratory.

Such blasphemy on the open hill-side had been shocking enough, but in that narrow room it was too horrid to be borne.

"What a disgraceful scene!" cried Louise, when they were on their way home; "and to think of such a shocking carousal being held in good old Chazy County, where morals are usually irreproachable!

Up there it must be a vain and shocking shambles.

Dear Sir, you remember, when Herod of Jewry Had given a ball, how a shocking old fury Demanded, so bent was the vixen on slaughter.

It is very shocking of course that she committed all sorts of dirty tricks, and jockeyed her neighbours, and never cared what she trampled under foot if it happened to obstruct her step; but how could she be expected to do otherwise without a conscience?

But Leigh Hunt is not guilty, in the above paragraph, of shocking levity alone,he is guilty of falsehood.

Of course it made me quite wretched to see them hurt each other in that shocking way, and so I interfered and tried to reconcile them, but the naughty little souls must have had a certain amount of kicking and scratching on hand to dispose of, for they united in bestowing it all on me the moment I came between them.

It is shocking indeed to be fastened speechless upon a rack, and to be charged by uncomprehending souls with counterfeiting emotion.

In the light of the splendid sacrifices of his fellow- Belgians, this struck me as a shocking degradation of the human spirit.

"Shocking place, this, for dogs!"I regret to say he pronounced it "dawgs""Why, Carlo is as fatas fat asas a" His mind was unequal to a simile even, and he terminated the sentence in a murmur.

An account of the shocking inhumanity, used in the carrying on of the slave-trade, as described by factors of different nations, viz.

Melancholy account of a ship blown up on that coast, with a great number of Negroes on board, Instances of shocking barbarity perpetrated by masters of vessels towards their slaves.

"[A] As detestable and shocking as this may appear to such whose hearts are not yet hardened by the practice of that cruelty, which the love of wealth by degrees introduceth into the human mind, it will not be strange to those who have been concerned or employed in the trade.

In that disease, of all maladies, they had to tend their patients in the dark all night; and a more shocking scene can scarcely be conceived.

Their transfer of slaves was humane, but in the open markets of the city it was attended by shocking cruelty and degradation.

* * Scenes of blood and cruelty are shocking to our ear and heart.

He replied that he had, and thought them very shocking; the writer must have a very unenviable mind, &c., and then, having thus sacrificed to propriety, after a moment's pause he added, "But if you ask me if they are like poor Newman, I am bound to saya photograph.

" The Princes of the Blood were notorious for a freedom of life and manners which would be ludicrous if it were not shocking.

Tighe of Woodstockher mother, the Duchess of Richmond, said, "Poor Louisa is going to make a shocking marriagea man called Tiggy, my dear, a Saint and a Radical."

At the same time Burke was writing to an intimate friend: "The old Parisian ferocity has broken out in a shocking manner.

His daughterthe now well-behaved, the now modest, Remedios, who was passing day after day at complicated needlework under the tutelage of doña Bernardahad grown up like a wild rabbit of the fields, repeating with shocking fidelity all the oaths and vile language she heard from the carters her father drank with.

He looked on the popularity of the detestable play as a shocking evidence of depraved public taste and was not aware how its author had changed since writing it.

Old Isaac was in bed when they got there, and the temper 'e was in was shocking; but Ginger sat on 'is bed and smiled at 'im as if 'e was saying compliments to 'im.

agaist 0 occurrences

Do we say   shocking   or  agaist