6 examples of shore's in sentences

Unless the Laughing Lass could recover before the squall had driven her to leeward a scant half mile, we should be cooked alive in the boiling cauldron at the shore's edge.

Churchyard? Hath not Shore's wife, although a light-skirts she, Giv'n him a chaste, long-lasting memory? JUDICIO.

] Churchyard wrote Jane Shore's Elegy in "Mirror for Magistrates," 4to,

Roxalana bewitched Suleiman the Magnificent, and Shore's wife by this engine overcame Edward the Fourth, [5087]Omnibus una omnes surripuit Veneres.

I'll pension Shore's wife, and Edward will not trouble himself about his sister.

" "Well, shore's I'se born, ef dis ain't our ole Bobby!"

6 examples of  shore's  in sentences