139264 examples of should in sentences

Moreover, it is by no means clear why the German Press should laud M. Greindl as a gentleman of German origin.

Sir Edward Grey had proposed five days earlier (July 26th) that all military measures should cease pending a settlement.

Oncken further mentions Britain's refusal to remain neutral in return for a promise that French territory should not be annexed, but he omits the question of French colonies.

It is not true that there is nothing but pedlar's spirit in England, and because it is not true it should not be said, not even in these times when war passions run high.

Strange and unfathomable that so much of the bread of man, the staff of life, the hope of civilization in this tragic year 1917, should come from a vast, treeless, waterless, dreary desert!

"Well, if it should," she replied, archly, "just consider how I might surprise him with my knowledge of wheat....

It should be noted first that the smut fungus is living at the expense of its host plant, the wheat, and its effect on the host may be summarized as follows: The consumption of food, the destruction of food in the sporulating process, and the stimulating or retarding effect on normal physiological processes.

"If clean seed or properly treated seed had been used by all farmers we should never have had a smut problem.

Steps already had been taken to mobilize workers in stores, offices, and homes for work in the orchards and grain-fields, should the I.W.W. situation seriously threaten harvests.

And why that should be so interested her intelligence.

"What's the matter with me that peoplethat Jake should?" she began, and ended with a hand on each soft, hot cheek.

Read it, 'To him that hath should be given.' * * * * * "To give wisely is hard.

I do not wonder that the millionaire founds a new collegewhy should he not?

I should be sorry not to see S., and W., and P., and E., and G., and K. on the list of the ten, but probably that is more than I ought to expect.

No tongue can tell of him what should be told, For on blind eyes his splendour shines too strong; 'Twere easier to blame those who wrought him wrong, Than sound his least praise with a mouth of gold.

Why should I seek to ease intense desire With still more tears and windy words of grief, When heaven, or late or soon, sends no relief To souls whom love hath robed around with fire?

How can it be that from one face like thine My own should feel effects so contrary, Since ill comes not from things devoid of ill?

Here then should each man read, and gazing find Both how to live and govern, and beware Of godlessness; and, seeing God all-where, Be bold to grasp the universal mind.

If Christ was only six hours crucified After few years of toil and misery, Which for mankind He suffered willingly, While heaven was won for ever when He died; Why should He still be shown on every side, Painted and preached, in nought but agony, Whose pains were light matched with His victory, When the world's power to harm Him was defied?

The nymphs of Arno; Adria's goddess-queen; Greece, where the Latin banner floated free; The lands that border on the Syrian sea; The Euxine, and fair Naples; these have been Thine, by the right of conquest; these should be Still thine by empire: Asia's broad demesne, Afric, Americarealms never seen But by thy ventureall belong to thee.

How long shall folk this infamy endure That he should be held sacred, he divine, Who strips e'en corpses in the graveyard bare? XXXVII.

When Gersíwaz arrived on his embassy he was received with distinction, and the object of his mission being understood, a secret council was held upon what answer should be given.

"' 'His friend Garrick was so busy in conducting the drama, that they could not have so much intercourse as Mr. Garrick used to profess an anxious wish that there should be.

"' 'A man, he observed, should begin to write soon; for, if he waits till his judgement is matured, his inability, through want of practice to express his conceptions, will make the disproportion so great between what he sees, and what he can attain, that he will probably be discouraged from writing at all.

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139264 examples of  should  in sentences