1381 examples of shrewdest in sentences

France's shrewdest politicians, however, well knew that the demand for an enormous and unlimited indemnity was only a means of putting Germany under control and depressing her to the point of exhaustion.

This time Gilbert took great heed to his aim, keenly measuring the distance and shooting with shrewdest care.

And more than once toward the end he felt his knees buckle beneath him and saw his shrewdest efforts fail for want of force.

The American knows what is about him, has tact, sagacity, conversance with surfaces and circumstances, is the shrewdest guesser in the world; and seeing him on this side alone, one might say,This is the man of to-day, a quick worker, good to sail ships, bore mountains, buy and sell, but belonging to the surface, knowing only that.

" Grim leaned back in his chair and lit a cigarette, not looking at anybody, stating his case impersonally, as it were, which is much the shrewdest way of being personal.

There is at the present moment on his way to this country-if he is not already here, by the byone of the shrewdest and finest speculators in the world, who is coming over on purpose to do what up to now our own men seem to have funkedfight the B. & I. tooth and nail.

But the shrewdest foresters say that they have held the roots of trees now dead.

[Sidenote:15] Of the three leaders that I have mentioned Severus [was] the shrewdest [in being able to foresee the future with accuracy, to manage present affairs successfully, to ascertain everything concealed as well as if it had been laid bare and to work out every complicated situation with the greatest ease.]

The wisest lawyer, the shrewdest diplomatist in the land never put forth a subtler weapon than this simple girl's simple letter.

The crudest, shrewdest, most preposterous panderer to weak-minded" "Whew!

The shrewdest men make mistakes, and certainly it was hardly wise of the confidential clerk to choose this peaceful moment to speak about our author's book.

The following circumstance was told us, by one of the shrewdest observers of men and things with whom we met in Barbadoes.

The following circumstance was told us, by one of the shrewdest observers of men and things with whom we met in Barbadoes.

Had the proposition come from wild Arabs who live in houses they carry on their backs, and feed on the milk of flocks that pasture at their side, I might have comprehended the modest proposal; but coming from those whose energy for business is proverbial, and whose acuteness in all matters of dollars and cents is unsurpassed, if equalled, by the shrewdest Hebrew of the Hebrews, I confess it is beyond my puny imagination to fathom.

The men we're up against are the shrewdest rats in Palestine.

Another distinctive feature of the book is the extent to which it combines the shrewdest and most practical business capacity with the most exalted religious enthusiasm.

For you, who have the name of being the wisest Count that ever reigned in Provence, and the shrewdest King that Arles has ever had, know perfectly well how people talk, and how eager people are to talk, and to place the very worst construction on everything: and you know, too, that husbands do not like such talk.

She was a sympathetic and trusting spirit, and knew poor Philip Feltram, in her simplicity, better than the shrewdest profligate on earth could have known him.

"I hear he's one of the shrewdest men in all the colonies, and I don't doubt the report.

"They are the funniest, swiftest, and shrewdest animals in the North," said Wabi.

Besides one vantage more in this I see, Tour censurers now must have the qualitie Of reading, which I am afraid is more Than half your shrewdest Judges had before.

Harsh winter, rage thy rudest: Freeze, freeze, thou churlish sky; Blow, arctic wind, thy shrewdest What care my heart and I!

We do not know, really, that the American Congress will throw any question upon titles; but still" "What are some of the shrewdest Americans among us doing?" asked M. Grandissime.

Keith had the luck of falling into the hands of one of the kindest and shrewdest men in the schoola man who seemed to understand that his mission was to guide rather than to drive, and who, in addition to his broad, human sympathy, possessed a genuine sense of humour.

" "As clear an explanation as the shrewdest casuist could desire!

1381 examples of  shrewdest  in sentences