149 examples of shuck in sentences

I'd ask him to shuck off some of it onter me.

One of the girls on the flying trapeze fell off into the net from the roof of the tent and broke her suspenders, so when they got her down in the ring it seemed as though everything she had on was going to shuck loose, and leave her with nothing but a string of beads, and pa went up to wrap his coat around her, and she kicked his hat off and ran into the dressing-room.

The place where I stayed in the daytime was in a large shuck-pena pen built in the field to feed stock from, in the winter time.

Sudden puffs of wind rustled the leaves of the maupei and fled hurriedly, and from somewhere in the coral rocks one of those red-striped lizards that are sometimes found in the rocky parts of the Carolines sent his unearthly shik-shuck into the stillness, where one fancied it a little projectile of sound crushed in its efforts to pierce the tremendous silence of the night.

The next thing he had a holt o' my coat-collar an' shuck me like a tarrier-dog shakes a rat.

She looked kind o' sorrowful-like, but drawed a deep breath, an' shuck her head, 'Oh, Rachel,' says I,an' afore I knowed it

I sells mats (shuck mats) $1.00 and I bottom chairs 50¢.

They would give corn huskins; they would go and shuck corn and shuck so much.

They would give corn huskins; they would go and shuck corn and shuck so much.

When they had corn shuckings one Negro would sit on the fence and lead the singing, the others shuck on each side.

Then they would all get corn and shuck it until near time to quit.

"I have come to see Mr. Noyes," and she displayed once more the large square envelope, her legacy from the lodger, the knife with which she proposed to shuck from its rough shell that oyster, the world.

Dey said 'Hoddy,' en Mars Dugal' ax 'im ter hab a seegyar; en atter dey run on awhile 'bout de craps en de weather, Mars Dugal' ax 'im, sorter keerless, like ez ef he des thought of it, "'How you like de nigger I sole you las' spring?' "Henry's marster shuck his head en knock de ashes off'n his seegyar.

But he wuz des boun' ter hab dat hoss, so sezee: "'I'll gib you my note fer' 'leven hund'ed dollahs fer dat hoss.' "De yuther man shuck 'is head, en sezee: "'Yo' note, suh, is better 'n gol', I doan doubt; but I is made it a rule in my bizness not ter take no notes fum nobody.

"But de yuther man shuck his head.

They rolled it from shuck broches to the balls.

My Massa has his nigger gals to lay fence worms, mak fences, shuck corn, hoe corn en terbacco, wash, iron, and de missus try to teach de nigger gals to sew and knit.

And though my heart shuck like a ager, I laid down on that table same as a soldier.

Nex' dey went in de buggy house an' all together shuck down de carri'ge so we neber could use hit no mo'.

Ole massa on he trabbels gone; He leab de land behind: De Lord's breff blow him furder on, Like corn-shuck in de wind.

Thanks, but I reckon I'll light a shuck for Jason.

"Come, chilluns, to bed," said our host, and they were all stacked one over the other on the one corn-shuck couch where a chorus of snores proved they were in the land of dreams.

We made hay and corn shuck mattresses for her.

finaly shuck de debbil loose an he aint bother me much sence, dat is not very much, an dat am a long time ago.

When the sergeant returned to the cooking-fire, he gave him a glance which was at once watchful and deprecatory, made place for him to sit down on a junk of adobe, and offered him a corn-shuck cigarito.

149 examples of  shuck  in sentences