36 examples of siete in sentences

Nada menos que eso: la vieja de Lucifer tenía siete vidas como los gatos.

siete, seven. sigilo, m., secrecy.

O tu che mostri per bestial segno Odio sovra colui che tu ti mangi Dimmi 'l perchè, diss' io, per tal convegno, Che se tu a ragion di lui ti piangi, Sappiendo chi voi siete, e la sua pecca, Nel mondo suso ancor io te ne cangi, Se quella con ch'

Ya tengo siete años.

This and the Siete Partidas, on which they were largely based, comprised the code under which the Spanish-American colonies were governed."

Born at Antwerp, the son of a Spanish trooper and a Flemish woman of low extraction, his talents ultimately raised him to the rank of confidant and favourite of the Duque de Lerma, prime minister of Philip III, through whose influence he subsequently became Condé d'Oliva, Marques de Siete-Iglesias, and secretary of state.


SEE Las Siete partidas. LOCKE, CLINTON W., pseud.

SEE Las Siete partidas. SCOTT, WALTER DILL. Personnel management, by Walter Dill Scott, Robert C. Clothier and Stanley B. Mathewson.


SEE Las Siete partidas. VANCE, LOUIS JOSEPH. Detective.

Siete poemas por Mary Baker Eddy, traducidos al espanol.

Siete cuentos; edited with introd., notes, and vocabulary by Sturgis E. Leavitt.


SEE Las Siete partidas. SCOTT, WALTER DILL. Personnel management, by Walter Dill Scott, Robert C. Clothier and Stanley B. Mathewson.


SEE Las Siete partidas. VANCE, LOUIS JOSEPH. Detective.

Siete poemas por Mary Baker Eddy, traducidos al espanol.

Siete stanchi e meschini, Credo, poveri pellegrini Che cercate d' alloggiare.

Vuoi, Signora, scavalcare? MADONNA. Voi che siete, sorella mia, Tutta piena di cortesia, Dio vi renda la carità Per l'infinità sua bontà.

'Los siete libres de la Diana de Jorge de Montemayor'the Spanish form of Montemôr's name and that by which he became familiar to subsequent agesappeared at Valencia, without date, but about 1560.

(Eulogy in the 'Encyclopédie') VITTORIO ALFIERI (by L. Oscar Kuhns) 1749-1803 Scenes from 'Agamemnon' ALFONSO THE WISE 1221-1284 What Meaneth a Tyrant, and How he Useth his Power ('Las Siete Partidas')

Greatest achievement of all, he codified the common law of Spain in 'Las Siete Partidas' (The Seven Parts).

" From 'Las Siete Partidas,' quoted in Ticknor's 'Spanish Literature.' ON THE TURKS, AND WHY THEY ARE SO CALLED The ancient histories which describe the early inhabitants of the East and their various languages show the origin of each tribe or nation, or whence they came, and for what reason they waged war, and how they were enabled to conquer the former lords of the land.

Siete per Italia o per l'Austria?"

36 examples of  siete  in sentences