203 examples of signalizes in sentences

" Many a time afterward these angry mutineers heard that sonorous, clear, boyish treble in stern and determined command; but they never heard it signalize a more heroic temper than at that moment, when, himself deeply wronged, he forced them to go back in the ranks to receive the interloper.

A melancholy silence seemed to signalize the despair of the twoscore patients, each occupying a cot screened from the rest by thin canvas curtains.

So also, as a few years passed by, the havoc which the pestilence and the sword had made in her population was repaired; and in 415 Athens was full of bold and restless spirits, who longed for some field of distant enterprise wherein they might signalize themselves and aggrandize the state, and who looked on the alarm of Spartan hostility as a mere old-woman's tale.

They have first mistaken the assertion which they oppose, and then exposed its absurdity; they have introduced a bugbear, and then attempted to signalize their courage and their abilities, by showing that it cannot fright them.

" He touched his cap, and climbing up out of the well, made his way forward, as though to signalize the fact that he was adopting the profession of our paid hand.

There was held at that very time a tournament at Moret, in the Gatinois; whither all the chief nobility of France and the neighbouring countries had resorted, in order to signalize their prowess and address.

Yet, at this very period, and while anxiously wishing this great object, he could not resist the desire for another campaign; one more exploit, to signalize the epoch at which he finally placed his sword in the scabbard.

But if some member of a fishing club In London or the provinces, renowned For prowess with the lob-worm or the grub, Should land a roach of more than half a pound, Then in the leading papers of the hub Full space for that achievement will be found, And clearest type and unaffected rapture Will signalize the epoch-making capture!

Charles, in 1630, became ambitious to signalize his reign by some fitting tribute to literature.

It is impossible in brief space to signalize the good work that many of the most conspicuous pioneers have done.

enthrone, signalize, immortalize, deify, exalt to the skies; hand one's name down to posterity.

V. celebrate keep, signalize, do honor to, commemorate, solemnize, hallow, mark with a red letter.

He must have omitted the tweet, tweet, with which ordinarily he signalizes his flight.

señalar, to mark, signalize, appoint, determine, fix upon, point out, indicate.

The now despairing inventor clung to his post in the gallery almost to the end, but, being assured by his senatorial friends that there was no possibility of the bill being reached, and unable to bear the final blow of hearing the gavel fall which should signalize his defeat, shrinking from the well-meant condolences of his friends, he returned almost broken-hearted to his room.

"Joe," said Myra, "I want you to signalize your resurrection by a great sacrifice to the gods.

The desire of conquest naturally led her to the lists in which beauty signalizes her power.

I was in ecstasy for sometime after; but wishing to do something to signalize myself, I now placed it in the hands of the Rev. Mr. Motley for safe keeping.

how I longed for some opportunity to signalize myself!

But although I was thus debarred from receiving any new impressions, the old ones still continued in full force; and at last came the long desired opportunity to signalize myself.

In the selfish desire to signalize myself, I had hazarded the life of a fellow-being, and brought upon him weeks of suffering which no act of mine could now alleviate.

But they have gone; what method shall I employ to recall them, to signalize my presence?'

One, whose fate he wished particularly to signalize, was thrown down from the Tarpeian Rock.

Although no history of its origin has come down to us, a tradition has descended that Caesar built it during his residence in Egypt, to commemorate the name of Pompey; but whether it was his own victory over Pompey, or Pompey's own character and military fame which the structure was intended to signalize to mankind, can not now be known.

In fact, it was always a great object of solicitude and exertion with all the Roman generals, when on distant and dangerous expeditions, to possess themselves of every possible prize in the progress of their campaign which could aid in adding splendor to the triumph which was to signalize its end.

203 examples of  signalizes  in sentences