58 examples of silkworms in sentences

Even indoors it is easy to give the joy of growing seeds and bulbs and of opening chestnut branches: without any cruelty we can let them enjoy watching snails and worms and we can keep caterpillars or silkworms and so let them drink their fill of the miracle of development.

The spring days now are lengthening out their light; The plants and trees are dressed in living green; The orioles resting sing, or wing their flight; Our wives amid the southern-wood are seen, Which white they bring, to feed their silkworms keen.

But, of late years, a still more serious epizootic has appeared among the silkworms; and I may mention a few facts which will give you some conception of the gravity of the injury which it has inflicted on France alone.

Silkworms are liable to many diseases; and, even before 1853, a peculiar epizootic, frequently accompanied by the appearance of dark spots upon the skin (whence the name of "Pébrine" which it has received), had been noted for its mortality.

The Italian naturalist, Filippi, discovered in the blood of the silkworms affected by this strange disorder a multitude of cylindrical corpuscles, each about 1/6000th of an inch long.

The planting of them was much encouraged by King James I. about 1605; and considerable attempts were made at that time to rear silkworms on a large scale for the purpose of making silk; but these endeavours have always failed, the climate being scarcely warm enough.

Then she visited the dairy and inspected her chickensat one time she had two hundred of themand her turkeys, geese, ducks, and peacocks, her bees and her silkworms.

She was delighted to be able to say in relation to her house and grounds that "all things have hitherto prospered under my care; my bees and silkworms are doubled, and I am told that, without accidents, my capital will be so in two years' time."

In France a great benefit is raised by salt, &c., whether these things might not be as happily attempted with us, and with like success, it may be controverted, silkworms (I mean) vines, fir trees, &c. Cardan exhorts Edward the Sixth to plant olives, and is fully persuaded they would prosper in this island.

The butterflies lay their eggs: from these hatch out worms or caterpillars, which change their skins several times, and, finally, become aureliae, chrysales, or silkworms, out of which come the beautiful butterflies.

To the Senate of the United States: I transmit to the Senate a copy of a dispatch from the minister of the United States at London, together with the memorial and other documents addressed to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States by Count de Bronno Bronski which accompanied it, relative to an improved breed of silkworms which he desires to have introduced into this country.

WHAT OFFERS?Advertiser, breaking up his collection, will sell his stud of tame mice, two goldfish and several obsolete silkworms, or would exchange for two-seater Midget with spanner.

If American, she may; have married just out of her father's home, and if foreign-born she may have been tending silkworms or picking grapes in Italy, or at field-work in Poland or Hungary.

The tree is more beautiful than useful, for the silkworms do not thrive well on the leaves and the wood is neither strong nor durable.

" "Why, I thought," said Clara, "that silkworms always lived on mulberry-leaves?" "The white mulberry is their favorite food; and another species, called the Morus multicaulisfor Morus is the scientific name of the familyhas more delicate leaves than any other, and produces a finer quality of silk.

And now, as we learned something about silkworms and their cocoons in our talks about insects, there is little more to be said of the mulberry tree which any but learned people would care to know.

The experiment of feeding silkworms upon the leaves has been tried, but it was not very successful.

"Are there real silkworms on 'em?

and can we see 'em?" "Why, do you not remember our talk about silkworms?" replied their governess.

It was planted in Great Britain over a hundred years ago for the express purpose of feeding silkworms, because a species of silkworm which was known to be hardy and capable of forming its cocoons in the English climate is attached to this tree and feeds upon its leaves.

It was not successful, however, for silkworms, but as a stately and ornamental tree with tropical-looking foliage it was much admired.

But the witty division of literary spinners into silkworms and spidersthose who spin because they are full, and those who do so because they are emptyis not exhaustive.

Silk is made by little worms called silkworms.

The soil is fertile, growing cereals, fibres, tobacco, and grapes; silkworms and bees are a source of wealth; horses, cattle, and swine are raised in large numbers.

He suggested that comets come from the remotest parts of ether, as whales and monsters from the depth of the sea, and that perhaps they are something of the nature of silkworms, and are wasted and consumed in spinning their own tails.

58 examples of  silkworms  in sentences