72 examples of silliness in sentences

Some men read into noble words only their own silliness, vulgarity, prejudice, or preconceived ideas.

This brought me back to common existence, as if I had been shaken by a wise hand out of all the silliness of superstition.

Davies calmly and cuttingly observed, "It is much more like silliness than madness!"

There is a silly season in the life of everyoneeven of every lawyerwho can call himself a man, and out of such silliness comes the gravity of knowledge.

If I've got to go through the silliness of love and marriage I might as well know who the bandarlog is to be....

Dignity of behavior yields to clownish silliness, and the person lately respected is now an object of pity and loathing.

One discoverable in all silliness to all men but himself, and you may take any man's knowledge of him better than his own.

Cary, the Dante Cary, is a model quite as plain as Parson Primrose, without a shade of silliness.

He wrote as friend to friend; not descending from the proud pinnacle of masculine intelligence to the lower level of feminine silliness; not writing down to a simple country girl's capacity; but writing fully and fervently, as if there were no subject too lofty or too grave for the understanding of his betrothed.

To think of the things I've said in my silliness to that woman, whose greatness I can no more measure!

No, Laura, if I had ten sisters, and a fairy godmother for each, I should request that ancient dame to endow them all with beauty and silliness, sure that then they would achieve a woman's best destiny,a home.

The press exploits for its benefit human silliness and ignorance and vulgarity and sensationalism, and, in exploiting it, feeds it.

You knew the impression was morbid, and you were angry with yourself for your silliness; but you could not drive it away.

When will people see its silliness?

Then they betrayed their peculiarities by some chance remark that called forth a stare of surprise, followed by ridicule and a sharp scolding for their silliness, so that the poor little things shrank back into themselves, and never ventured again to allude to their inner world.

They had read the memoirs of that idyllic period diligently, had read with minds only for the flimsy glitter which hid the vulgarity and silliness and shame as a gorgeous robe hastily donned by a dirty chambermaid might conceal from a casual glance the sardonic and repulsive contrast.

What says Note 15th of literary silliness?

It was this accident which made him write ineffable silliness in this and other early volumes about "virtue" and "vice," assume a man-about-town's attitude toward women, and fill pages with maudlin phrases about marble, perfumes, palm-trees, blood, lingerie, and moonlight.

The dance-mania, as it seizes her, makes her circle slowly and dazedly with a certain pitiful silliness.

And the silliness of it!

" This reference to the other wives ought to have opened Pajeken's eyes as to the silliness of speaking of the "touching" tenderness of the Crow chief to his latest favorite.

There are two tendencies of Blake's mind, both mysticalthat is, rooted in unitythe understanding of which helps, on the one hand, to clear much in his writing that seems strange and difficult; and, on the other, reveals a deep meaning in remarks apparently simple to the point of silliness.

None could express as did Delsarte, contemplation, serenity, tendernessthe dreams of a sweet and simple soul, and even the divine silliness of innocent beings.

I've no patience with the silliness and selfishness of everybody.

In painting, one now beheld a deluge of silliness; in literature, an intemperate mixture of dull style and cowardly ideas, for they had to credit the business man with honesty, the buccaneer who purchased a dot for his son and refused to pay that of his daughter, with virtue; chaste love to the Voltairian agnostic who accused the clergy of rapes and then went hypocritically and stupidly to sniff, in the obscene chambers.

72 examples of  silliness  in sentences