1543 examples of similar to in sentences

Do you recognise the label still adhering to it as similar to the one to be found on the bottle you emptied in Cuthbert Road?"

" In the south of Scotland, the name "doudle," says Jamieson, is applied to the root of the common reed-grass (Phragmites communis), which is found, partially decayed, in morasses, and of "which the children in the south of Scotland make a sort of musical instrument, similar to the oaten pipes of the ancients."

But this progress is exactly similar to that progress which the Jesuits made in the magnificence of their churches, in the wealth they had hoarded in their colleges, in the fashionable character of their professors and confessors and preachers, in the adaptation of their doctrines to the taste of the rich and powerful, in the elegance and arrogance and worldliness of their dignitaries.

Metternich was now made a prince, with large gifts of land and money, and occupied a superb position,similar to that which Bismarck occupied later on in Prussia, as chancellor of the empire.

As its name implies it was an underground affair, similar to the Black Hundreds of Old Russia.

This effect has been considered an evil, and regarded even as similar to that produced by the doctrines of Voltaire, Bolingbroke, and Rousseau, who combined every thing venerable on earth with ridicule, treated virtue and vice, with equal contemptuous indifference, and laid bare, with cruel mockery, the vanity of all mortal wishes, prospects, and pursuits.

And your exquisite taste will prevent your falling into the error of Purcell, who at a passage similar to that in my first air, Drops his bow, and stands to hear, directed the first violin thus: Here the first violin must drop his bow.

A fragment of another poem relating to Eridu is appended, which seems to celebrate a temple similar to that recorded by Maimonides in which the Babylonian gods gathered round the image of the sun-god to lament the death of Tammuz.

These take place in a large railed enclosure, the wolves being brought in carts similar to our deer carts.

A combination of political circumstances, similar to those of 1840, might give victory to a grand Russian army, like that laurelless triumph which was then won in Hungary, when the victors were nothing but the bloodhounds and gallows-feeders of the House of Austria; but of military glory the present Russians could hope to have no more.

From it the view is similar to that from the Schwarzsee, but much finer, the Théodule Glacier being seen to great advantage.

" In a letter to Mr. May, dated Feb. 3, 1839, Mr. Russell, speaking of the hunting of runaways with dogs and guns, says: "Occurrences of a nature similar to the one related in the 'Oasis,' were not unfrequent in the interior of Georgia and South Carolina twenty years ago.

A law similar to the above has been passed in Louisiana, which contains an additional provision for the benefit of the masterordaining, that 'if the slave' (thus maimed and disabled,) 'be forever rendered unable to work,' the person maiming, shall pay the master the appraised value of the slave before the injury, and shall, in addition, take the slave, and maintain him during life.'

As for my Virginia, she was in her cot, hearing all that was going forward on deck,sensible of her danger, and a prey to the apprehension of meeting a death similar to that of her prototype, and equally dreadful.

The position of the undergraduates was much more similar to that of schoolboys than is now the case; they were subject to the same penaltiescorporal punishment, even, had only just gone out of vogue!and were expected to work, and to work hard.

The part he played in the development of Venetian art was similar to that of Marlowe in the history of our drama.

The plan of this little work is similar to that of Mr. L. Murray's smallest Grammar; but, in order to meet the understanding of children, its definitions and language are simplified, so far as the nature of the subject will admit.

"The Subjunctive mood, in all its tenses, is similar to the Optative."Gwilt cor.

The cases of Greely's six fellow survivors, it is remarked, were very similar to his.

From other worlds it must appear like a girdle of clouds almost similar to the sidereal rings.

Yet because God is not the absolute, but is himself a part when the system is conceived pluralistically, his functions can be taken as not wholly dissimilar to those of the other smaller parts,as similar to our functions consequently.

This would be a decisive experiment, similar to those which we can almost always obtain in experimental physics.

Vice-President, and would have been a good President,and that, if his Mexican expedition had succeeded, he would have run a career similar to that of Napoleon.

The slips and sprouts, and such of our trees as we plant out in nurseries or trenches, as well as the graftings of trees similar to those in Spain, bore fruit as quickly as in Hispaniola.

Similar to that figured.)

1543 examples of  similar to  in sentences