191 examples of simper in sentences

Ay, ay, Madam, to the Comfort of many a hoping Coxcomb: but Lette,Rogue Lettethou wo't not make me free o'th' City a second time, wo't thou entice the Rogues with the Twire and the wanton Leer the amorous Simper that cries, come, kiss methen the pretty round Lips are pouted outhe, Rogue, how I long to be at 'em!well, she shall never go to Church more, that she shall not.

What, because I cannot simper, look demure, and justify my Honour, when none questions it? Cry fie, and out upon the naughty Women, Because they please themselvesand so wou'd I. Sir Cau.

The rustle and buzz, the music, the oratory and the poem, during which the men cheer and the girls simper; the professors yawn, and the poet's friends pronounce him a second Longfellow.

Their portraits simper from shop windows; and they live and die respected.

"Did you recognise him at once?" If it be possible for a lady of this enlightened age to simper, Mrs. Coombe simpered.

But, indeed, I could not be sure; for when I asked who she did be, she only to simper and to curtsey again; and so was I very natural all in doubt; but yet sufficient in wonder (having some knowledge of the Lady Mirdath) to follow the wenches, the which I did.

No citizen's wife is demurer than she at the first greeting, nor draws in her mouth with a chaster simper; but you may be more familiar without distaste, and she does not startle at anything.

" "But what will you do to make it party-like?" "Simper.

Miss Rawlins, however, declared, after she had called the widow Bevis, with a prudish simper, a comical gentlewoman!

I'd 'a' 'lowed you wuz ten years younger 'n him, easy, ef you wuz a day!" "Give my compliments to the poor old gentleman," returned Mrs. Ochiltree, with a simper of senile vanity, though her back was weakening under the strain of the effort to sit erect that she might maintain this illusion of comparative youthfulness.

" "I dare say, my love,[looking in his face, and continuing to drawl and simper in the manner which we might imagine of Shakspeare's little shepherdess "'Sweet youth chide onI had rather hear thee chide

"Thus only can I tell the true thoughts of those who bow and simper before my face.

The other women would have called it a simper.

Mr. Whitelaw made his appearance at the Grange early in the evening of the 2nd of January, with a triumphant simper upon his insipid countenance, which was inexpressibly provoking to the unhappy girl.

With a complacent simper, Mistress Pauncefort then turned from pleasure to business, and, approaching the couch, gave a faint shriek, half genuine, half affected, as she recognised the recumbent form of her young mistress.

Oh! dear, my lord, your lordship, no,' said Mistress Pauncefort, with a simper.

'It is not Venus I am expecting, but Mars,' he said with a simper.

At last, 'Strikes me, Tommy, he's uncommon hard hit,' he said, with a simper.

'And the maid,' my lord said with a simper.

Look, for example, at her portrait of a Parisian swell, in irreproachable evening dress and white kid gloves, sucking his silver-headed cane, with a simper that shows all his white teeth; and then at the head and bust of a Spanish convict, painted from life at the prison in Granada.

I determined, therefore, to look out for a tender novice, with a large fortune, at her own disposal; and accordingly fixed my eyes upon Miss Biddy Simper.

Here I was, for some time, the favourite of Mrs. Simper, my lady's woman, who could not bear the vulgar girls, and was happy in the attendance of a young woman of some education.

Mrs. Simper loved a novel, though she could not read hard words, and therefore, when her lady was abroad, we always laid hold on her books.

Mrs. Simper then found out, that my sauciness was grown to such a height that nobody could endure it, and told my lady, that there never had been a room well swept, since Betty Broom came into the house.

with a sneering simper; "and what eyes, what teeth, to be sure!

191 examples of  simper  in sentences