12 examples of singe along in sentences

All this had passed and the time of fall had come, bringing with it its own pleasures and joyousness; for now, when the harvest was gathered home, merry bands of gleaners roamed the country about, singing along the roads in the daytime, and sleeping beneath the hedgerows and the hay-ricks at night.

In fact, pretty soon everyone was singing along

The peasants who went dancing by in picturesque costumes, and the finely formed women walking erect with vases of water on their heads, or drawing an even thread from their distaffs, as they went singing along, furnished her memory with subjects for many a picture.

And so I went singing along.

A poet came singing along the vale, "Ah, well-a-day for the dear old days!

Just two words there were, that had come singing along the wires half way around the world.

His mistress pillowed her dark head on her arm, and lay still, with the sea singing along the ridge of shingle below her.

"I'd love to be a brook," said Sahwah longingly, "and go splashing and singing along over the smooth stones, and jump down off the high rocks, and catch the sunlight in my ripples, and have lovely silvery fishes swimming around in me.

We heard quite suddenly the familiar accents of English Tommies in provincial towns of France, and came unexpectedly upon khalfi-clad battalions marching and singing along the country roads.

The shrapnel bullets came singing along with a 'Tue!

As his wife had broken her silence the madcap saw no use in going further and they turned homewards; all the way his wife went on chatting and singing along with him.

So they did this, and the next morning, when the jackal came singing along the road, they hid inside their houses.

12 examples of  singe along  in sentences