45 examples of siphon in sentences

One sideboard, a vast piece of furniture fully eight feet long, had a whisky decanter and siphon of soda water on it, as though Sir Horace had served himself with refreshments on his return to the house.

Phinuit busied himself with the decanter, glasses and siphon.

Foot, stomach, siphon, muscles, all but a thin strip of mantle, were gone.

Lanyard fetched glasses, a decanter, a siphon-bottle, and supplied his guest with a liberal hand before helping himself.

Then, while Joyce was drying herself and putting on her shoes and stockings, he and I went down into the cabin and routed out a bottle of whisky and a siphon of soda from somewhere under the floor.

" Toddles stretched out an ominous hand towards the siphon, and was only deterred from his fell intention by the entry of the C.O. "Oh, Grigson," said the C.O. pleasantly, "the Wing have just rung through to say they want that raid done at once, so you might get your man up toute suite.

send, delegate, consign, relegate, turn over to, deliver; ship, embark; waft; shunt; transpose &c (interchange) 148; displace &c 185; throw &c 284; drag &c 285; mail, post. shovel, ladle, decant, draft off, transfuse, infuse, siphon.

The curtain rises upon a solid, dull, upper-middle-class dining-room, empty and silent, the electric lights burning, the tray with whiskey, siphon and cigarette-box marking the midnight hour.

It will be used on radio systems, submarine cables using siphon recorders, and with the heliograph, flash-lantern, and all visual signaling apparatus using the wigwag.

Both journals of the connecting rod are furnished with oil cups, having a small tube in the centre with siphon wicks.

The upper part of the box in most engines has a reservoir of oil, which is supplied to the journal by tubes with siphon wicks.

There is a siphon, a coke scrubber 110 inches high, a sawdust purifier, and a gasholder of 750 cubic feet capacity, and a pipe to the engine 5.2 inches in diameter.

When a butler had appeared with bottles, glasses, and siphon one of the bottles was handed back, and thereafter the silent partner could be heard imbibing long potations at frequent intervals.

The porch was littered with rugs and cushions, while on a small table near the end stood a decanter, a siphon, and two glasses.

"For," Steve reasoned, "evidently this party is a seeker after knowledge; it is better to siphon than to be pumped.

Eventually I took my candle-lamp from the sideboard and went up to bed, leaving the constable seated in the easy-chair with a box of cigars, a decanter of whiskey and a siphon of Apollinaris at his elbow.

"And now to business," said the Major, as he drew himself a little soda from a siphon.

This had been brought from one of the wharves, at high tide, twenty-four hours previously, and twice drawn off with a siphon,each time after twelve hours' rest.

Then the ever-useful siphon drew off two thirds of it tolerably clear, leaving a thick green deposit upon the sides and bottom of the vessel.

But Thomson solved it with his siphon recorder.

When the current from the cable passes through the coil it moves, and so varies the position of the ink-siphon which is attached to it.

The friction of a pen on paper would have proved too great a drag on so delicate an instrument, and so a tiny jet of ink from the siphon was substituted.

The ink is made to pass through the siphon with sufficient force to mark down the message by a delightfully ingenious method.

Signal columns, 19. Siphon recorder, 137.

Thomson, youth, 144; cable adviser, 121; invents mirror galvanometer, 126; knighted, 136; invents siphon recorder, 137; connection with telephone, 169.

45 examples of  siphon  in sentences