62802 examples of sir in sentences

Your servant, sir!

'I will teach you, sir,' O'Donnell replied, 'that the law can protect its officers'; but my father reminded him that he had no witness.


"I am extremely obliged to you, sir.

"Indeed, sir, indeed," said the old gentleman.

"Perhaps, sir, you are unaware who I am?" He asked the question with a slight touch of self-conscious dignity, which showed me that in his own opinion at all events he was a person of considerable importance.

"Where to, sir?" inquired the man.

"Yes, sir," she said.

"I'm not gen'rally in bednot much before midnight, sir," she said.

"Good-morning, sir: what can I get you?" inquired the landlord pleasantly.

"Have you an appointment, sir?" "No," I said, "but will you be good enough to ask whether I can see her?

" "If you will step in here, sir, I will inquire.

"If you will kindly come this way, sir, Mademoiselle will see you," he announced.

" Then this model of a city woman, in search of country lodgings, sits down and writes to the landlord: "Dear Sir,We would like to secure our old rooms in your house for the whole of July and August.

Doubt, ii.; iii. Douglas, Sir, iii.

Encelade, ii. Enias, Sir, iv.

Hatton, Sir Christopher, i. Hebe, v. Hebrus, i. Hecate, iv.

Howard, Douglas, v. Howard, Lord Charles, i. Howell, Dha, ii. Huddibras, Sir, i.; ii. Humber, ii.; iii. Humilta, i. Hunnes, ii. Hunsdon, Lord of, i. Huntingdon, iii. Huon, Sir, i. Hyacinct, ii. Hygate, ii.

Laestrigones, v. Lago, ii. Lamoracke, Sir, iv.

"Well," I said, "I can tell you off-hand, out of my own experience, that there certainly is a hell" He turned toward me with evident astonishment, but I proceeded with tranquillity: "Yes, sir, there's no doubt about it.

"Yes, sir," said Horace, "one o' the worst you ever see.

How many such fits of the mother have troubled the kingdom; and for all Sir W.E.

Pray God Sir William be not probationer for the place; for as if he had the like knack too, most of those whom the diurnal hath slain for him, to us poor mortals seem untouched.

In 1660 appeared "The Character of Italy" and "The Character of Spain;" in 1661, "Essays and Characters by L. G.;" in 1662-63, "The Assembly-Man" a Character that had been written by Sir John Birkenhead in 1647.

Sir William Coventry's "Character of a Trimmer," published in 1689, had been written before 1659, when it had been answered by a "Character of a Tory," not printed at the time, but included (1721) in the works of George Villiers, second Duke of Buckingham.

62802 examples of  sir  in sentences