5 examples of sisymbrium in sentences

As the material thus necessary to life seems to abound more in air than in water, the subaquatic leaves of this plant, and of sisymbrium, coenanthe, ranunculus aquatilis, water crowfoot, and some others, are cut into fine divisions to increase the surface; whilst those above water are undivided.

SISYMBRIUM Nasturtium.

Sisymbrium Nasturtium.

446 Sisymbrium strictissimum Spear-leaved Sisymbrium c.m. 447 Hesperis matronalis Single Garden Rocket c.m. 448 Bunias orientalis Oriental Bunias c.m. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA.

446 Sisymbrium strictissimum Spear-leaved Sisymbrium c.m. 447 Hesperis matronalis Single Garden Rocket c.m. 448 Bunias orientalis Oriental Bunias c.m. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA.

5 examples of  sisymbrium  in sentences