23789 examples of sit in sentences

I'll go in 'ere for 'arf a minnit and sit down.

"I s'pose we shall 'ave to 'ave something," he ses in a whisper to Sam; "we can't expect to come in and sit down for nothing.

He just nodded at 'im; but 'e looked so 'appy that Sam felt it was a pleasure to sit there and look at 'im.

arter fetching another chair from the kitchen, asked 'im to sit down.

" Mrs. Burtenshaw shut the door arter 'im, and then she went in and 'ad a quiet sit-down all by 'erself to think it over.

The fearful disease was abating in our family, and "Old Harper," as she is called in the Fort, offered to sit up and attend to the fire.

He was utterly unfitted for the former, being too gay a spirit to sit down and calculate chances.

it was dreadful,' said Sydney; 'I found I could do nothing for it but take off my flesh and sit in my bones.'

Praetextatus, a robed gentleman in Plutarch, would not sit down at a feast, because he might not sit highest, but went his ways all in a chafe.

I should not like him to sit on my letter.

At the end of these words he bade him come up the inclined plane built for this very purpose in front of the rostra, and Tiridates having been made to sit beneath his feet he placed the diadem upon his head.

She made him sit down on a couch of deerskins, that he might rest his tired limbs.

He then ushered them into a very decent room, where his wife was sitting at a table; she immediately rose up, and assisted them in setting forth chairs, and desired them to sit down.

At four o'clock in the afternoon my illustrious chief used to depart, and I would then steal into his room and sit down before Urania and dream of lovelier worlds than ours, hidden in the infinite spaces of the starry sky.

Sometimes my friend and companion in studies, Georges Spero, would come and sit beside me; and, inspired by the immortal beauty of Urania, we would let our young and ardent imaginations play over the glories and wonders of the heavens.

In a very few years they would sit under a roof-tree bared of fruit and blossom, and sad with falling leaves.

They had dreamed their dream, and there is only one such dream for a lifetime; now they must sit and listen to the dreams of their children, help them to build theirs.

But we can do nothing but sit at home and wait, darn their socks, and clap our hands at their successes.

He had so far progressed in his ambitions as to have arrived at the dignity of a garret of his own, and he liked to pretend that soon he might be romantically fortunate enough to sit face to face with starvation.

It used to bore him terribly when he'd have to sit in the room and talk to Sis and Gerald.

Sit down immediately and write the letter and I 'll mail it first thing in the morning, so he 'll get it before he has time to make other arrangements.

" She released his hand and made him sit again.

If our Supreme Courts are not held, and if Congress does not sit on that day, it is custom, and not law, that makes it so.

We get the victory over it by refusing those institutions and practices which he sets forth as evidence of his power to sit supreme in the temple of God, and by adopting which we should acknowledge the validity of his title, by conceding his right to act for the church in behalf of the Son of God.

Because our grandfather's idea of perfect happiness was to sit before the fire of logs, we are satisfied with the semblance in the form of the asbestos-covered gas-log.

23789 examples of  sit  in sentences