25 examples of sitting in the stern in sentences

"Get them into the boat, Mr. Aiken," he said, "You and I will sit in the stern, my son.

They would look at each other for a moment half in consternation, half in glee, then rush from their sport in wanton haste to assail with their gibes the unoffending, withered old man who, in rusty attire, sat in the stern of a skiff, rowed homeward by his white-headed African mute.

" The laughing crowd piled themselves on board the big schooner, stowed away all the baskets and bundles, and settled themselves comfortably in various parts of the boat; some sat in the stern, others climbed to the top of the cabin, while others preferred the bow, and one or two adventurous spirits clambered out to the end of the long bowsprit and sat with their feet dangling above the water.

But just the same the canoe came along and one of those campers was sitting in the stern paddling it.

and I sat in the stern and we just flopped around.

The sombre shades of twilight had already gathered over the scene; but he saw through them quite distinctly a boat pulled by four men, while a fifth sat in the stern holding the tiller.

Upon this point, however, he was not left very long in doubt, for the oarsmen of the approaching boat continuing to row steadily onward till they had come pretty close to Barnaby and his companions, a man who sat in the stern suddenly stood up, and as they passed by shook a cane at Barnaby's companion with a most threatening and angry gesture.

"The hero's sitting in the stern," she announced.

Job was sitting in the stern, sculling gently with the steering oar and watching us.

Sir Humphrey Gilbert, when he so gallantly and piously reminded his crew that "heaven was as near by sea as on land," was sitting in the stern of a craft hardly so large as the long-boat of a modern merchantman.

It was settled, at Tom's earnest request, that he should pull the sound skiff uphis old tub was leaking considerablywhile his companion sat in the stern and coached him.

Mr. Selincourt was sitting in the stern, and there was a small boy covered with mud too.

Stella sat in the stern, facing him.

A midshipman, sitting in the stern, whose name was William Morrison, a fine lad of fifteen, observed the fate of the action with feelings in which local and professional spirit struggled for the mastery.

Already they could see the faces of the marines who sat in the stern, and the gleam of the lighted linstock which the gunner held in his hand.

daylight Harry took one of the oars himself, and all save the twelve rowers, and Jacob and William Long who sat in the stern, lay down in the bottom of the boat, where some pieces of matting, used for covering cargo, were thrown over them.

And the peasants followed the blood-red glow of the torch in the boat as it mirrored across the waters, gazing adoringly at Rafael, who was sitting in the stern.

It means the one who sits in the stern, to steer the boat and direct the rowers.

All this time, he sat in the stern and steered the boat wherever they wanted to go.

He sat in the stern of the boat, gloomy as a man about to glide under traitor's-gate.

So there I sat in the stern of the little canoe, drifting away over the calm phosphorescent sea, and with all the host of the stars above me, waiting for something to happen.

Some of the men quit rowing and began to pray, whereupon General J. F. Bell, who was sitting in the stern, rose to his feet, and shouted at them until they became more afraid of him than of the sea, and pulled for dear life until we were out of danger.

William Johnson, her owner, sat in the stern steering, and Ben.

The North Star, a fine, swift-sailing little schooner, was anchored near the middle of the stream, and a boy sat in the stern sheets, reading a book.

He sat in the stern of a small boat that had belonged to his vessel.

25 examples of  sitting in the stern  in sentences