36 examples of sixshooters in sentences

You're so all-fired careless with a sixshooter, Swing.

The sixshooter relinquished by his nerveless fingers remained on top of the bar between the whiskey glasses.

Yeah." He thoughtfully lowered the hammer of the sixshooter and rammed it down to the trigger-guard behind the waistband of his trousers.

With the sixth sense possessed by most men who live in a country where the law and the sixshooter are practically synonymous terms, Racey was conscious that Marie, the Happy Heart Lookout, had suddenly drifted up to his left flank and now stood with arms akimbo on the inner edge of the sidewalk.

He had exchanged the bowie for a sixshooter.

Lanpher arose, snarling, to face a levelled sixshooter.

" To Lanpher it seemed that the sixshooter was barely out of the holster before it was back again.

His hand jerked sidewise and down toward the sixshooter in the open drawer.

When at long last the draw opened before them Racey calmly reached over and removed the saloon-keeper's sixshooter.

Doc Coffin's forefinger, tightening convulsively on the trigger of its wearer's sixshooter, sent an unaimed shot downward.

But her scare did not prevent her from drawing a sixshooter.

Her sixshooter still pointed in his general direction.

Besides papers there were two sixshooters and a bowie.

Then a sixshooter cracked once, twice, and again.

"I had a sixshooter," she said, tranquilly.

He whipped out his sixshooter, held the muzzle close to the end of the fuse and fired.

His right hand fell away reluctantly from the butt of his sixshooter.

Jack Harpe jackknifed his long body out of his chair, which was placed directly in front of an open doorway giving into an inner room, crossed the floor, and placed his sixshooter on the mantel-piece.

He made as if to rise but sank back immediately for Racey Dawson had suddenly appeared in the open doorway behind him and run the chill muzzle of a sixshooter into the back of his neck.

Racey, still holding his sixshooter, leaned hipshot against the doorjamb.

He unlocked the door noisily; he opened it noisily; he took his sixshooter and belt from the wall quietly and closed the door, noisily again; he locked itfrom the outside.

Ben Creagan passed behind the bar and handed over a sixshooter and a cartridge belt.

The object shifted a few inches; Mr. Espalin perceived from the tail of his eye the large, unfeeling muzzle of a sixshooter; beyond it, a glimpse of the forgotten elderly stranger, Mr. Pringle.

He threw Foy's sixshooter aside; he pulled Foy's wrists behind him and tied them tightly with a handkerchief.

They gave me back my sixshooter, that Ben Creagan had borrowedand it was loaded with blanks.

36 examples of  sixshooters  in sentences