712 examples of skated in sentences

I had not skated for years, having spent all my winters in Italy, but on the principle that you never forget anything that you know

A mishap How Jenkins skated Your life until the present (a summary)

They stood side by side, both thinking of her, both looking at her, as she skated with De Chauxville.

" The Seventeen Little Bears skated on and on, the wind whistling in their ears.

" The Seventeen Little Bears formed a circle and skated round.

Indeed, rather too warm; for they would often be in a state of perspiration, they told me, when in the open air; especially if they ran, slid, or skated.

As she skated very well, better than any of the other girls, she felt, sweeping about the pond in long, swift curves, that she was repaid for her ignorance of billiards.

She and Judith and Lawrence skated a great deal, and Sylvia learned at last to cut the grapevine pattern on the ice.

Then he departed on smooth, easy strokes, almost like one who skated, and was soon out of sight among the bushes at the edge of the stream.

"This won't do," added Monteith, after they had skated some distance farther; "we are now so far from the animals that they cannot trouble us again; we are deserting her in the most cowardly manner.

Here he found that the patient, a visiting school friend of one of the daughters, from up the state, and evidently not used to the whirl of the pool, had skated all day, and, kept going by unaccustomed stimulants, taken half from ignorance, half from bravado, had danced the evening through at the club house, and then collapsed.

Joe took hold of the table's leg nearest him and skated the table forcefully down the corridor after the escaping pirate.

She had ventured upon the ice on skates, and was talking to St. Aulaire, who skated slowly beside her.

Thinking so, he skated slowly toward her, wishing to be sure that he was wanted, and, as he did so, the gentleman, perceiving his approach, ceased speaking and looked most obviously annoyed at the young man's arrival.

"Here is Monsieur Calvert, who will take me back over the ice, so I shall not have to trouble you," and she laughed in a relieved, if somewhat agitated, fashion as St. Aulaire, doffing his hat and scowling fiercely at Calvert, skated rapidly away.

"Will you forgive me for pressing you into service in so offhand a manner?but perhaps you were looking for me?" "No, Madame," returned Calvert, calmly, as they skated slowly toward the Quai des Tuileries, "but 'tis a pleasure to be of service to you.

He chose to follow and skated rapidly after Calvert with no very benevolent look on his handsome, dissipated face.

So great was the interest in the skating of the two gentlemen that the greater part of the crowd had retired beyond a little ledge of roughened ice and snow which cut the improvised arena into two nearly equal parts from where they could conveniently see Monsieur de St. Aulaire and Mr. Calvert as they skated about.

And without more words the two gentlemen skated rapidly back for twenty yards and then came forward with tremendous velocity, pari passu, and, both jumping at the same instant, landed on the far side of the ledge, scattering the applauding spectators right and left as they drove in among them, unable for an instant to stop the swiftness of their progress.

He gave a glance at the fastenings of his skates and then, sweeping around to the starting-place, he skated slowly at first but with ever-increasing speed.

Since the afternoon on which they had skated together she had never again treated him in so unaffected and friendly a fashion.

If this were expanded into a sonnet, we should have before us a dark and sublime picture of an ocean of everlasting ice, the sombre and baffling mirror of the Northern nature, over which men walked and danced and skated easily, but under which the living waters roared and toiled fathoms below.

At Bertie's persuasion Anne had brought skates, and she went down with him to the lake in the afternoon, where they skated together till sunset.

They skated a few yards in silence.

She went by way of the stream along which she and Nap had once skated hand in hand in the moonlight, and as she went she stooped now and then to gather the flowers that grew in the grass beside her path.

712 examples of  skated  in sentences