29 examples of skills on in sentences

If he does not fill his basket in a little while, he may set it down to the score of bad luck, or some lack of skill on his part in taking them, for the brook trout are there in abundance.

He was an ingenious youngster; wrote wonderful copies, and carved the two initials given above with great skill on all available surfaces.

With Giardini also, whose skill on the violin was at that time the theme of universal admiration, Lady Huntingdon was well acquainted.

I am a stranger here in England, sir, Brought from my native home upon report, That the earl's daughter wants the use of speech; I have been practised in such cures ere now, And willingly would try my skill on her.

CHAPTER VIII A MUSEUM IDYLL Whether it was that practice revived a forgotten skill on my part, or that Miss Bellingham had over-estimated the amount of work to be done, I am unable to say.

I was struck by the appearance of anatomical knowledge and skill on the part of the person who dismembered the body.

Sir Arthur Inglewood, however, here again displayed his marvellous skill on behalf of his client by the masterly way in which he literally turned all the witnesses for the Crown inside out.

Whether in dark eyes of the laughing child, Or in the vast white cloud that floats away, Bearing upon its breast a brown moon-ray; The universal painter, who dost fling Thy overflowing skill on everything!

You must either exercise your skill on internal things or on external things; that is you must either maintain the position of a philosopher or that of a common person.

Their admiration for him was not only on account of his skill on the battle-field, and the skilful manner with which he planned and executed his campaigns, but the humane manner in which he performed his sad duty.

Her ladyship had spoken lightly of his skill on the previous evening, but any doctor is better than none, so this feeble little personage was allowed to feel his lordship's pulse, and look at his lordship's tongue.

But again skill on the putting green was wanting, and he required two strokes to make the hole.

"Permitted by his owner to occupy a house in the central part of this city, he was afforded hourly opportunities for the exercise of his skill on those who were attracted to his shop by business or favor."

If some Dutch painters bestowed their skill on homely old women and boozy boors, there is no evidence that they were capable of better things, and their choice of subjects is no justification for one who certainly can do better.

In the country a board of health has comparatively little to do; in the city it is often confronted with difficult sanitary problems which call for highly paid professional skill on the part of physicians and chemists, architects and plumbers, masons and engineers.

She felt that she owed so much to this cat, under whose care her reputation for skill on the harp had become universal, that when she died she left him, in her will, one agreeable house in town and another in the country.

The art of war seemed to exhaust its powers on one side, only to unfold some new and untried masterpiece of skill on the other.

They had seen too many evidences of his surpassing skill on the trail.

When you tell me anything about Tayoga's skill on the trail I shall believe it, I don't care what it is.

I still have a perfect vision of myself and sisters, as we stood up in the classes, with our toes at the cracks in the floor, all dressed alike in bright red flannel, black alpaca aprons, and, around the neck, a starched ruffle that, through a lack of skill on the part of either the laundress or the nurse who sewed them in, proved a constant source of discomfort to us.

A little skill on his part will soon determine the question which kind of writing shall prevail in his school.

But I think that when the character is that of a young girl the betrayal of whose innocence is the main theme of the play, no amount of skill on the part of the actress can make up for the loss of youth.

He had been left an orphan at the early age of eleven, and his friends wished him to adopt the vocation of a landscape-gardener; but being passionately fond of music, and having acquired some skill on the violin, he left Dresden, his birthplace, in order to seek his fortune; wandering from place to place, until at Hanover, in 1731, he obtained an engagement in the band of the Guards.

CORELLI, ARCANGELO, an Italian musical composer, celebrated for his skill on the violin; his compositions mark a new musical epoch; he has been called the father of instrumental music (1653-1713).

The boys had never killed a deer, and he had promised to take them, during the coming winter with him up into the northern part of the state, where they would have an opportunity of trying their skill on the noble game.

29 examples of  skills on  in sentences