8 examples of skulling in sentences

The old fellow is not, after all, so thick-skulled as I thought him.

You used to enjoy so much skulling around that little pond of Mr. Mason's in his flat boat, what would you do to be bounding over the water as we are now?

Their skulls belong to the "long-skulled" races, and would ally them to the Kelts.

"At the rate of this thick-skulled blunderhead, every plow-jobber shall take upon him to read upon divinity.

"Have you no more manners than to rail at Hocus, that has saved that clod-pated, numb-skulled ninny-hammer of yours from ruin, and all his family?"Id.

The negro of the North is an ideal negro; it is the negro refined by white culture, elevated by white blood, instructed even by white iniquity;the negro among negroes is a coarse, grinning, flat-footed, thick-skulled creature, ugly as Caliban, lazy as the laziest of brutes, chiefly ambitious to be of no use to any in the world.

"My honest but thick-skulled friend, let me put in my oar," implored the Major.

A distinguished professor of phrenology had picked out Quigg's head from among half an acre of heads at a lecture upon that subject in the city, and had pronounced it the "model head," greatly to the disgust of all the other large-skulled men in the hall.

8 examples of  skulling  in sentences