12 examples of sky high in sentences

"Here is certainly a real 'pome,' and on aviationthe latest fad: "'SKY HIGH

Here, Master Clarke, Master Clarke, come and keep this boy with you till his father come back, or we be all sent sky high before we know.

As soon as this country had taken its stand with the allied imperialists the price of lumber, needed for war purposes, was boosted to sky high figures.

Whatever the review does on this head, however, and admitting that it pushes some positions to an ultra point, it will blow the impostor Hunter sky high.

Here then my hopes of visiting Europe are blown sky high for the present.

And with his return the pleasant nicely balanced, casual scheme of things which she had been following so contentedly was knocked sky high.

Sky high, by Eric Hodgins & F. Alexander Magoun.

Sky high: the story of a house that flew.

Sky high, by Eric Hodgins & F. Alexander Magoun.

Sky high: the story of a house that flew.

He has too much stupid generosity, which some day or other will run away with his purse, and then there will be a grand blow-up, honor and virtue and all, sky high.

My pardner, who for reasons named, wuz inclined to pick flaws in this glorious Exposition, sez to me: "What's the use of sculpin' Peace up on so high a monument and showin' her off as if she wuz safe and sound, and then histin' cannons up right by her throwin' balls that will travel twenty milds and then knock her sky high.

12 examples of  sky high  in sentences