351 examples of sleek in sentences

How Fan managed to cure him no one can tell, but cure him she did, for, in the course of a few weeks, Crusoe was as well and sleek and fat as ever.

He began it by greasing his whole person carefully and smoothly over with buffalo fat, until he shone like a patent leather boot; then he rubbed himself almost dry, leaving the skin sleek and glossy.

When he found out what it was he returned quite sleek, and with a look of profound contempt on his countenance as he resumed his place by his master's side and went to sleep.

His fur lay sleek and soft, and shone in the sunlight.

I look well and sleek because of the paint, but I'm old and mouldy, and cannot stand moving about.

A chronicler of the time says, that by means of certain herbs which he gave to a half-starved horse, he made him into a fat and sleek animal; the horse was then sold at one of the neighbouring fairs or markets, but the purchaser detected the fraud within a week, for the horse soon became thin again, and usually sickened and died.

He was fat, and sleek, and powerful.

He grinned because Otto's vocabulary descriptive of terrible things always impending over the heads of his sleek and utterly heedless pack-horses was one of his chief joys.

He was quite happy; he was good-humoured; he was fat and sleek.

A two-year-old followed, round and sleek and glistening like brown velvet in the sunset.

He had nursed until he was five months old; his parent had continued to hunt tidbits for him; he was fat, and sleek, and soft; he was, in fact, a "Willie" of the mountains.

COATThe hair is short and dense, and sleek-looking, and in no case should it incline to coarseness.

COATThe coat should be short, hard, dense and fine, sleek and glossy in appearance, but neither woolly nor silky.

Pettier than an insect, and more obstinate than a mule, he had also the superior, sleek humility of a "chosen one."

Of these sleek moroccos, cream-white or dyed with cochineal or pomegranate skins, are made the rich bags of the Chleuh dancing-boys, the embroidered slippers for the harem, the belts and harnesses that figure so largely in Moroccan tradeand of the finest, in old days, were made the pomegranate-red morocco bindings of European bibliophiles.

They cannot keep their beautiful coats sleek and glossy, as is their invariable rule, as long as their is any gum sticking to them.

Sleek and empty-headed.

Then they would recline under the shade of the wild bandanna-tree,I know this vegetable only through the artless poetry of the negro minstrels,while sleek and sprightly negresses, decked with innocent finery, served them beakers of iced eau sucré.

There were no sleek and sprightly negresses in gay turbans, and no iced eau sucré.

He was glad Farron showed him out through the corridor and not through the study, where, he knew, Mrs. Farron was still waiting like a fine, sleek cat at a rat-hole.

Sam Bass, his corn-fed sorrel, was hardly less sleek and sturdy than at the start, though a third of the way was behind him.

The Ayr was calm, and on the level brine, Sleek Panope with all her sisters play'd, sounds the reply.

She was sleek and fat and looked so well that Helms said that if I could beat him shooting he would buy both mule and gun; so three or four of us tried our skill.

He was now fat and sleek and as kind and gentle as when so poor upon the terrible journey.

But the sleek, fat horse grew poor; the gloves with embroidered gauntlet wrists were cast aside; the trains grew small, and the luxuries vanished, and perhaps the plucky owner made the last few hundred miles on foot, with blistered soles and scanty pack, almost alone.

351 examples of  sleek  in sentences