184 examples of sleepily in sentences

The Colonel growled sleepily.

The rising sun, darting an inquisitive beam 'twixt a leafy opening, fell upon Beltane's wide, slow-heaving breast; crept upwards to his chin, his cheek, and finally strove to peep beneath his slumberous, close-shut lids; whereat Beltane stirred, yawned, threw wide and stretched his mighty arms, and thereafter, blinking drowsily, sat up, his golden hair be-tousled, and stared sleepily about him.

"Hello!" said the latter, sleepily, "back, eh?" Frank awoke at the sound of Jack's voice and Harris also opened his eyes.

"El Señor Don Quixote de la Mancha," he said sleepily.

The air grew full of silence, the birds twittered sleepily, and from afar came, faint and clear, the musical song of the milkmaid calling the kine home to the milking.

" The old man yawned sleepily, and was easily persuaded to go to bed.

" The Secretary yawned sleepily.

Gloria regarded it sleepily.

I have seen her lying in the sun, blinking sleepily, and listening with great pleasure to Dick's singing.

She dropped her head sleepily on the pillow, expecting to hear some sound in the house indicative of Marcos' return, but not intending to lie awake to listen for it.

But it was not this that had roused him, he thought as he lay blinking drowsily,nor the black-bird piping so wonderfully in the apple-tree outside,a very inquisitive apple-tree that had writhed, and contorted itself most un-naturally in its efforts to peep in at the window;therefore Bellew fell to wondering, sleepily enough, what it could have been.

"Hello, Becky, yer'll be all right soon, won't yer?" "I'm all right now," said Becky, sleepily, "and Tim's all right.

The countless fireflies which spangled the evening mist now only crawl sleepily, daylight creatures, with the lustre buried in their milky bodies.

The Forest Children crept sleepily out of the boat, kissing the Tree Mother good-by as though in a dream.

Happy birthday, Ivra!" At his cry all the little windows in the little moss houses opened and there were the tousled heads of the Forest Children, their eyes blinking sleepily against the gilded morning light.

he asked, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Guess they're hungry," said Barney, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Rileywhat" she muttered sleepily and then she made out the face of Sandersen distinctly.

The old man stirred sleepily, raised his head from his bundle, and keen bright eyes that Betty knew well flashed into hers as he whispered rapidly: "Show no alarm, Betty, but no matter how or where you see me, make no sign of recognition.

At a table a maitre d'hôtel was composing the menu for the evening, against the walls three colored waiters lounged sleepily, and on a platform at a piano a pale youth with drugged eyes was with one hand picking an accompaniment.

The third travellerfor three there wereby a gesture directed the servant to close the carriage door, and, keeping his seat, gazed sleepily through the window.

"Eh?" said Stobell, sleepily.

I grasped his hand and shook it gently, on which he opened his eyes and looked at me sleepily.

She smiled up at Janet, saying, sleepily, "I've a notion not to arise to-day.

" Cockerell assented, a little sleepily.

184 examples of  sleepily  in sentences