23760 examples of sleeping in sentences

On the wharves the daylight confusion was dispelled; there was no clatter of teaming, no sound but the water fingering dank piles, and the little noises aboard sleeping vessels.

" Felicia discovered that there are ways and ways of sleeping on the floor.

"I wonder where he'd have been sleeping to-night if I hadn't come along just about when I did?" mused Ken.

She heard his deep, drawly voice urging the unwisdom of sleeping with calked boots on, and Beaton's hiccupy response.

In default of the daily work that consumed their superfluous energy, the loggers argued and fought, drank and gambled, made "rough house" in their sleeping quarters till sometimes Stella's cheeks blanched and she expected murder to be done.

Her mind was one urgent question mark while she laid the sleeping youngster in his bed and removed her heavy clothes.

" The two French artillery signalers were sleeping in the forward trench, and after some explanation readily lent their long-skirted coats.

Rivarol had hung about the skirts of the University for several years; supplying his few wants by writing for scientific journals, or by giving assistance to students who, like myself, were characterized by a plethora of purse and a paucity of ideas; cooking, studying and sleeping in his attic lodgings; and prosecuting queer experiments all by himself.

It was neither the wind nor the river that woke me, but the slow approach of something that caused the sleeping portion of me to grow smaller and smaller till at last it vanished altogether, and I found myself sitting bolt uprightlistening.

Its thunder filled the air, and a fine spray made itself felt through my thin sleeping shirt.

" In Bagdad the mother lay sleeping, and she had a dream.

Once Abamelik had lingered at the house of Ibraham Aga, and forcibly entered the sleeping-room of his wife.

The Central of Georgia Railroad improved its service in 1858 by instituting a negro sleeping car an accommodation which apparently no railroad has furnished in the post-bellum decades.

I have often wondered, when viewing a modern passenger coach, with its palace cars, its sleeping and dining cars, if those who cross the "Great American Desert," from the Mississippi to the Pacific in four days, realize the hardships, dangers and privations of the Argonauts of fifty-eight years ago.

Some morning about daylight, twenty or thirty red blanketed men, with hideous yells would charge the horse herds, while a hundred or more with equally hideous yells would attack the sleeping men.

After sleeping one night in a house, we again struck into the country to the westward.

But when the poor old man, fatigued with the arguments and presence of his guests, retired to his sleeping apartment, the Laird of Dumbiedikes said he would employ his own man of business, and Butler set off instantly to see Effie herself, and try to get her to give him the information that she had refused to everyone.

" The grace-cup was shortly after served round, and the guests marshalled to their sleeping apartment.

It was impossible not to look at the man sleeping there in that way; but Caldigate would hardly have looked, would hardly have dared to look, could he have anticipated what he would see.

And why was he sleeping there?

He was anxious to secure as much as possible of the compactness and ease of administration of the linear plan of construction, with wings on either side of the executive building of long corridors occupied as day rooms, with sleeping rooms opening out of them on both sides.

Hollow walls, sleeping room windows opening into small areas, and corridor space between the several divisions are features which make the per capita cost of the construction comparatively large for these two cottages, but which, it is believed, will prove to be wise ones.

A few hours afterwards a carriage crossed the frontier with Ludovico on the box, and within it the Duchess watching over the sleeping Fabrice.

I took a hearty leave of Captain Guy, shook Mary by the hand once more, rushed down stairs, roused the sleeping cabby, and glancing at the card, ordered him to gallop to 9 Ravisdock Terrace, Parmley Square.

SEE Fitzgerald, F. Scott. Sleeping and waking.

23760 examples of  sleeping  in sentences