1977 examples of sliding in sentences

I joined the boys in all their sports; sliding and snow-balling with them in winter, and running and playing ball in summer.

It seemed to have rigidity in all its parts, and to be sliding unwillingly over a vast slate.

The horses could be indistinctly seen advancing slowly and reluctantly through the yellowish gloom with a curious, sliding motion, as if stepping on ice.

The ground was now sliding beneath their feet.

" The sun was now climbing high, and we began the descent, moving at a fast pace, leaping, slipping and sliding, with the use of the rope, and arriving at the Chefferie a little after noon.

Being imprisoned, he escapes by means of a secret sliding panel and an underground passage which leads him, not immediately, but after many vicissitudes, to America.

Sliding along the trunk, Selkirk descends quickly to the ground; but the enemy has already disappeared, and left no trace.

He unrolled the blue-prints, from a drawer he produced a sliding-rule.

He seemed to pluck his results from the air with necromantic cunning, and what had taken the young man at his elbow days and nights of cruel effort to accomplishwhat had put haggard lines about his mouth and eyesthe engineer accomplished in a few hours by means of that sliding-rule.

At four, while she was showing the Ashland dairyman the bull calf, child of Red Rover VII and Buttercup IV, Mrs. Egg saw her oldest daughter's motor sliding across the lane from the turnpike.

At length, after two hours of slipping and sliding along in the mud and wet and darkness, we reached Saulieu, and, by the warm fire, thanked our stars that the day's dismal tramp was over.

I watched the steamer glide out on the rainy channel, and turning into the topmost berth, drew the sliding curtain and strove to keep out cold and sea-sickness.

Then K[)u]t-o'-yis went on, and after a while came to where a woman kept a sliding place; and at the far end of it there was a rope, which would trip people up, and when they were tripped, they would fall over a high cliff into deep water, where a great fish would eat them.

"This sliding," said the woman, "is a very pleasant pastime."

Before him the hill was steep, and he said to himself, "Well, this is a fine place for sliding; I will have some fun," and he began to slide down the hill.

The marks where he slid down are to be seen yet, and the place is known to all people as the "Old Man's Sliding Ground.

Half crawling, half sliding, over ridge and furrow, ditch and hedge, somewhat like Satan floundering over chaos, the unhappy minister travelled with all possible speed, as nearly as he could guess, in the direction of the place of refuge.

130 Beneath the sliding sun thou runn'st thy race, Dost fairest shine, and best become thy place.

By sliding this prism in front of the spectrum I can deflect outward any portion of the spectrum I like, and by a mirror can reflect it through a second lens, forming a patch of light on the screen overlapping the patch of light formed by the undeflected rays.

The big, sliding, main door opened on the drive in front; between it and the corner, to the west, was a small door; and in the western end, a window.

Public utility regulation and the so-called sliding scale.

Public utility regulation and the so-called sliding scale.

He grew so faint that he felt he could not maintain his hold upon the top of the mound, and quickly descended, half sliding, to the bottom.

But in the middle of the street Jerry raised his right arm stiffly overhead with a whoop and brought his chestnut to a sliding stop; the cloud of dust rolled lazily on ahead.

There were sliding doors of polished wood on each side of it.

1977 examples of  sliding  in sentences