1031 examples of slimmer in sentences

She was slim, but not angular, and had a reposeful grace and a decided attraction for both men and women.

But if the cook knoweth the manner that Lord Carlile does mix and pepper it, let that manner be followed to the smallest fraction of a pinch!" On Buying Old Books By some slim chance, reader, you may be the kind of person who, on a visit to a strange city, makes for a bookshop.

Finally that door swung open again; the wide-shouldered, slim-hipped silhouette of Miss Hassiebrock moved swiftly and surely through the kind of early darkness, finding out for itself a wall telephone hung in a small patch of hallway separating kitchen and front room.

She came to him across the trim, cool lawn, leisurely, yet with a resilient tread that attested the vigor of her slim young body.

He stared blankly at the slim girl who confronted him with hand on hip.

One of the men, the slim lad, had a pistol, but I saw by the way he handled it that it was unprimed.

Her little hand played with the slim glass, and her eyes had all the happy freedom of childhood.

And slim, fair lads who waited to acclaim, With gladsome shout, the huntsmen when they came With burdens of the chase ...

But ah! no, in endless slimmer, Roams my heart through Wytham Woods, Meeting in their solitudes Evermore that angel comer, Sweeter than the light of summer Making golden Wytham Woods, Now so far, so far from me In the world of Memory.

He was of the same age as Santerre, but was taller and slimmer, with fair hair, an aquiline nose, gray eyes, and thin lips shaded by a slight moustache.

Then Madeleine, whose chestnut tresses were tinged with gleaming gold, and who was slimmer than her sister, and of a more dreamy style of beauty, her character and disposition refined by her musical tastes, made a love match which was quite a romance.

Suddenly, as she paused, the younger, slimmer figure turned in her direction and uttered a cry, a cry almost of terror.

It was a pity, old Lady Belstone whispered to her spinster sister, that John was not a Crewys, for he had a remarkably fine head, and had he been but a little taller and slimmer, would have been a credit to the family.

"Well," John said, "perhaps a little slimmer, you know.

During the exposition of my plans for his happiness a certain animation had crept into this round-and-round-the mulberry-bush jamboree of oursso much so, indeed, that for the last few minutes we might have been a rather oversized greyhound and a somewhat slimmer electric hare doing their stuff on a circular track for the entertainment of the many-headed.

Tom, a slimmer darker trophy elk, smiled winningly and shook hands.

So I think, temporarily, we could arrange some of my things; let them down a little, and perhaps take them inMiss Ann is a little taller and a little slimmer than I. Could you send for your cousin's wife to help us, Nora?" Profusely, o'erflowingly, Nora affirmed that this would be possible.

If the manners of different ages are injudiciously blended together,if unpowdered crops and slim and fairy shapes are commingled in the dance with volumed wigs and far-extending hoops,if in the portraiture of real character the truth of history be violated, the eyes of the spectator are necessarily averted from a picture which excites in every well regulated and intelligent mind the hatred of incredulity.

And now that she was nineteen, almost at the further boundary of the marrying age, and slimmer than ever before, he rejoiced greatly, for he had accomplished his deep and malign purpose, and laid a heavy burden of sorrow upon Count Selim Malagaski

He did not feel that it was within the duties of a high official to go out and weigh young women, so he replied briefly that he knew no way of ascertaining the exact weight of an acrobatic young woman who never stood still long enough to be weighed, but he could assure the father that she was somewhat slimmer and more petite than when she arrived in Washington a few weeks before.

Or haud them hingin' frae their extended richt arms, leavin' a' the feegur visible, that seems taller and slimmer as the removed muff reveals the clasps

Slimmer hips in 14-days.

Slimmer hips in 14-days.

"If I was fifteen years limberer and fifty pounds slimmer, I dunno but what I'd set into this ranch game myself.

Well, it was right enough too, as Smithy had nursed him through small-pox one winter up in the Shoshonee country, and mighty near starved himself to death feeding Shadder out of the slim grub stock, when the boy was on the mend; still some people would have forgot that.

1031 examples of  slimmer  in sentences