13436 examples of slowly in sentences

The lawyer looks at Verty with wild eyes, which, slowly, very slowly, fill with a strange light, which makes the surrounding personages keep silentso singular is this rapt expression.

Be sure, ma mere lived, with Verty and Redbud all her days thereafter; and our honest Verty often mounted Cloud, and went away, on bright October mornings, to the hills, and visited the old hunting lodge: and smoothing, thoughtfully, the ancient head of Longears, pondered on that strange, wild dream of the far past, which slowly developed itself under the hand of Him, the Author and Life, indeed, who brought the light!

" The next day passed all too slowly, but work was over at last, and Mr. Kidd led the way over London Bridge a yard or two ahead of the more phlegmatic Mr. Brown.

His wife's eyes sparkled at first; then the light slowly faded from them and her face fell.

"I met Bert Adams yesterday," he said, slowly.

Recovering himself by an effort, he walked slowly away, and, after prowling about for some time in an aimless fashion, made his way back to Mrs. Phipps's house.

He got tired of it afore they did, and, arter opening 'is eyes slowly and yawning, he asked Ginger wot he meant by it.

Uncle Timothy Rudd, following more slowly, reached the outer door of the little suite of rooms in time to hear what seemed to be the first outburst.

The next morning, however, the Sally who confronted him looked so far from herself, as she went slowly about the little kitchen, that he was worried, and said so.

ButI must warn you all to make haste slowly in the matter of assurance.

"Oh, I don't know," Max replied, slowly.

Max walked slowly back toward the house, under the shadow of the row of great trees bordering what had once been a lawn.

Finally, as Max halted beside a tree-trunk, watching them, they began to walk slowly down the driveway, turning from time to time to gaze back at the house-front.

When the circle began slowly to revolve before the fire, one of Sally's hands was in Jarvis's, the other in that of the neighbour who could chop down trees as easily as he could address audiences, and whose hand, therefore, possessed a warm and even grip which suggested both friendliness and strength.

She walked slowly along, treading the young tendrils of the moss, watching with wistful eyes the fleecy clouds, as they appeared through the branches of the elms, scurrying swiftly out towards the sea ... out towards freedom.

Before that, something was going on, a great many things were going on, while his ancestors were slowly growing up to that point of intelligence where it began to make itself felt in the recording of events.

How is that?" Ingleton stared a little, then slowly shook his head.

" She raised herself slowly.

She paused a moment; then very slowly, "The last letter I had from Guy Ranger," she said, "was more than six weeks agothe day that the squire brought Madam to the Manor.

He saw her rising agitation, and spoke, slowly, choosing his words.

"Haven't I said enough?" She shook her head slowly, with drawn brows.

"Perhaps," she said slowly, "perhaps I could.

"I could take you in my cart," said Burke slowly.

" "I see," said Burke slowly.

Slowly the long hours dragged away.

13436 examples of  slowly  in sentences