20 examples of slushy in sentences

"Now, all is changed: the roads are slushy, and the water stands in deep pools all over the streets.

A wild ride through the slushy snow made Betty feel better, and when, as she dragged the sled up again, Bob's whistle sounded, the last trace of her resentment vanished.

"I won't deny that it was kind o'" "Slushy?" hazarded Mintie.

"Darned if I know what's wrong with it," Skinny said, a trifle discouraged, while Carolyn June, her sleeves rolled above dimpled elbows, stood by and watched the slushy operation.

The day was comparatively warm, but the snow was not slushy nor very deep.

He had to break trail through slushy snow.

Out there in the middle of the water with a long, slushy walk back to the dock.

The boat was therefore towed a long way up the bank, which on the farther side was nearly level with the current, but where the hut had stood was steep and slushy, and perhaps twenty feet high.

The children advanced rapidly, and talked only of how sensible they were to have gone out on the ice instead of tramping the slushy road.

It was dark when he woke, and started trudging once more through the slushy roads.

there are two ladies, with their dresses hitched up like kilts, sliding and floundering through the slushy road.

About half-past ten at night, a blast in the breeze, mixed with a confused slushy sound, as sixteen hoofs plashed in the mud, rang the knell in our ears, "Your time has come!"

But one slushy, misty night, when the gas-lamps had rainbow haloes, and gray figures sluff-sluffed through the muddy snow, she accompanied Joe on one of his fund-raising tours.

It is cold and slushy without.

We imagined both had been driven into the slushy ice by seals, but to-day Gran found a large fish frozen in the act of swallowing a small one.

She was found lying in a mass of slushy ice, with which also she was nearly filled.

"I'm afraid it must be very wet and slushy," said Blanche Farrow dubiously.

So off they started again, in the same order as before, to find, however, that the narrow brick-way, instead of being drieras one would have expected it to be above the waterwas more slushy and slippery than had been the path running along the top of the older part of the embankment.

The gray sea and the long black land, And the yellow half-moon large and low; And the startled little waves that leap In fiery ringlets from their sleep, As I gain the cove with pushing prow And quench its speed in the slushy sand.

"That's the worst of living so far out," bawled Mr. White, with sudden and unlooked-for violence; "of all the beastly, slushy, out-of-the-way places to live in, this is the worst.

20 examples of  slushy  in sentences