76 examples of small door in sentences

Thus, in a while, he beheld a door above: a small door, yet stout and strong, a door that stood ajar, whence came a beam of yellow light.

The vast stones, the walls of masonry, and the subterranean colonnade raised to support the southeast angle of the platform whereon the church is erected are truly wonderful, and may still be seen by penetrating through a small door and descending several flights of steps at the southeast corner of the enclosure.

Almost as still, down under the organ-gallery, with a single band of light falling athwart his box from a small door which stood ajar, sat the little priest, behind the lattice of the confessional, silently wiping away the sweat that beaded on his brow and rolled down his face.

Drinks were in order when this last appeared; and a brief conference in undertones ended when, having made careful reconnaissance, the publican nodded shortly to the patron, a jerk of his thumb designating a small door let into the wall to one side of the bar proper.

They likewise make quadrangular structures of small split wicker, like large chests, and frame for them an arched lid or cover of similar twigs, having a small door at the front end; and they cover this chest or small house with black felt, smeared over with suet or sheeps' milk, to prevent the rain from penetrating; and these are likewise decorated with paintings or feathers.

The Sabbath was close at hand, and Nicodemus and Joseph returned to Jerusalem by a small door not far from the garden, and which Joseph had been allowed by special favour to have made in the city wall.

I saw them direct their trembling steps towards the small door at the house of Nicodemus.

A certain Person having occasion to dig somewhat deep in the Ground where this Philosopher lay inter'd, met with a small Door having a Wall on each side of it.

It appeared to him that he was alone within his house, and while visiting one of the upper rooms, which had formerly been appropriated to his lost daughter, he noticed a small door in the wall that had never before attracted his attention.

A small door leading to a back staircase was open, and near it they discovered the trace of footsteps of a person who had been walking in damp sand or clay.

The room was not large,a New York brownstone front in the upper Sixties even though altered as to entrance, and allowed to sprawl backward over yards not originally intended for its use, is not a palace,but it was a room and not a corridor; you had the comfortable sense of four walls about you when its one small door was once shut.

A small door some distance to my left belonged obviously to the next house.

ordered the judge, and amidst the excitement caused by these ominous words a small door opened and a woman entered leaning on a guard.

She entered at first a series of neat offices in a wing of the structure, and then she came to a small door made of black bars of iron.

Sandy pointed to a small door at the rear.

There was a small door in one of the projections of the lantern, which the sacristan told us to enter and ascend still higher.

Only fools do not acknowledge how materialism wearies and oppresses us, what secret fear lurks in the mind lest their science should prove true, what a dreary waiting for new scientific evolutions, and joy of the prisoners when they see a small door ajar through which they may escape into the open air.

The big, sliding, main door opened on the drive in front; between it and the corner, to the west, was a small door; and in the western end, a window.

At or about this same moment the small door in the rear of the room opened and an officer appeared, leading in Kasheed Hassoun.

The small door where the boys came in, led to a long and narrow passage, between the tie-up and the bay.

He had opened a small door of the box containing the apparatus he had just clamped to the rail, and had taken out a combination telephone earpiece and receiver.

It was not far that we had to go, however, and soon we came to a large brick house, with an uncommonly small door, over which hung a wooden shield with the arms of Italy brightly painted in green and red and white.

After having mounted a considerable height, the porter unlocked a small door that barred their farther advance.

The jury had left its platform and was filing through a small door.

At the farther extremity of this garden, filling the whole space from wall to wall, and occupying as much ground as must have been equal to half the original enclosure, stood a large, new, windowless building, in shape exactly like a barn, lighted from a huge skylight in the roof, and entered by a small door in one corner.

76 examples of  small door  in sentences