Do we say smelled or smelt

smelled 293 occurrences

What man who has smelled the first fragrance of the earth, has heard the birds on their northern flight and has seen an April brook upon its course, will withhold his credence even though the jest be plain?

They were ranged together on the Bankside and they sweat and smelled like congenial neighbors.

When I married Ed, anyways I thought I smelled big money.

A small unglazed window with iron bars high up on one wall gave us such light and air as was going, but the place reeked with human breathing, and smelled as rank as a kennel.

And stepping across the room, he took up the glasses one after the other and smelled of them.

He was proffering something, and Kazan smelled meat.

His hair was long and yellow and curled upon his shoulders, and in his hand he bore an early rose, which he smelled at daintily now and then.

Even now it was a torturous twilight in the cave, even now she smelled wood-smoke; even now she was like one starting at the noises of the night....

"Smelled the dope," was the brief answer.

As soon as I began overhauling your things, as you told me to, I smelled the stuff and I went on a still hunt for it.

He held it up to the light and again smelled it.

Cornelius Agrippa relates out of Gulielmus Parisiensis, a story of one, that after a distasteful purge which a physician had prescribed unto him, was so much moved, "that at the very sight of physic he would be distempered," though he never so much as smelled to it, the box of physic long after would give him a purge; nay, the very remembrance of it did effect it;

He felt still the lift of the boat over the short swell, he smelled the pleasant combination of salt, and gasolene, and the whiff of the hayfields, and his eyes still kept the glare and the blue, and the swinging dark shape of the Dutchman's bows as he headed her down the bay.

I think she smelled this blow.

It was "reported" and "asserted" and "rumored" that fire was raging at one or two points there, statements that were overshadowed by positive knowledge of greater areas nearer at hand burning with a fierceness that could be seen and smelled.

I could smell the resinous fagots, I could see every twig upon the ground, I could hear every rustle of the branches, as I have never smelled or seen or heard save at such times of danger.

I was hungry that day and everything smelled so good.

The overseer come in and looked around, asked what he smelled burning.

Now he sniffed the air about him, now he rubbed a finger on the floor and smelled it, now he lay quiet and listened.

Then he reached up and scraped the stones with his finger nails in several places, and then held his fingers close to the candlelight and looked at them and smelled them.

"I was so worried!" Zip smelled the little girl's hair and realized how much he loved her and his home.

"You see we smelled mignonette, and followed a common impulse.

How sweet everything smelled!

It smelled pretty good, but when I drew my knife across it to cut it in two, all the center was uncooked batter, which ran out upon my plate, and spoiled my supper.

Meanwhile he was obliged to go very often to the baroness' scented boudoir, which smelled of incense and other Eastern perfumes, whenever it did not smell of cigarettes; and there he sang little songs, and submitted patiently to her demands for more and more music.

smelt 371 occurrences

"Yes, Maharajah, he smelt something in the jungle," the man replied.

No sooner he'd come up than the work stopped; 'twas as if he'd smelt it out somehow.

The barrels we took smelt of palm-oil; the barrels we gave smelt of rum.

The barrels we took smelt of palm-oil; the barrels we gave smelt of rum.

" Meanwhile, Blaize exhibited the contents of his pockets to the other highwayman, who having opened the box of rufuses and smelt at the phial of plague-water, returned them to him with a look of disgust, and bade him follow his companions.

" Indeed, I had first smelt and afterward discovered the second cigarette smouldering on the ground.

The creature accidentally smelt out the provisions hid in the cave, and finally led thither his masters, two negroes, one of whom was named Nelson.

What do you want, good man?" He smelt strongly of wine.

" Before we shelve Holinshed,for the good Raphael's folios are like Falstaff in size, if not in wit, and, when once laid flat-long, require levers to set them up on end again,let us see if he cannot help us to account for more of the "legalisms" that our Lord Chief Justice and our barrister have "smelt out" in Shakespeare's historical plays.

The animal has smelt a truffle, and the man seizes her by the ear, for her manner is suspicious.

His house already, at that early hour of two, smelt vigorously of dinner.

He said they smelt the harpoon.

"Hark!" cried the captain; "surely the dogs must have smelt a bear.

In some such irregularities, the poets are indulged for the sake of rhyme; but the best speakers and writers of prose prefer the regular form, wherever good use has sanctioned it: thus learned is better than learnt; burned, than burnt; penned, than pent; absorbed, than absorbt; spelled, than spelt; smelled, than smelt.

Smell, smelled or smelt, smelling, smelled or smelt.

Smell, smelled or smelt, smelling, smelled or smelt.

I smelt the stench of blood, for I had been in the muck and misery of war before and had seen the death carts coming back from the battlefield and the convoys of wounded crawling down the rutty roadsfrom Adrianoplewith men, who had been strong and fine, now shattered, twisted and made hideous by pain.

After dinner we sat on deck, as the lamp smelt too strongly to let us enjoy ourselves in the cabin, and the coolies on the bank and the people in our boat and those in the cook-boat engaged in a triangular duel of words, until the last few grains of my patience ran through the glass, and I spake with my tongue.

Then he fell prostrate at the feet of the high-souled Sagara, who smelt him on the head and narrated all the events to him, all that had been seen and heard by him, and likewise the destruction of Sagara's sons.

Sir Phelim himself had been bred to the law; Rory O'Moore was a self-taught insurgent who had never smelt powder.

And a tiger smelt the flesh and came and sat down under the platform.

Then they also called More Turniko and when they came, one bonga said "I smell a man" and More Turniko scolded him saying "Faith, you smelt nothing until we came; and directly we come you say you smell a man; it must be us you smell"; and the chief of the bongas agreed that it must be all right.

But the second jackal would not listen to advice and going to the supposed corpse smelt it and then began to lick it; finding the taste of the gur very pleasant it set to work to lick the body all over beginning at the feet; it licked the feet and then the legs, when it reached his waist it was within reach of his hand and the Potter stabbed it with his knife and took the head to the Raja.

The year after its foundation by Miguel del Toro the settlers were able to smelt and deliver 6,147 pesos to the royal treasurer.

We are waiting for some one to come who knows how to smelt them.

Do we say   smelled   or  smelt