4591 examples of smeller in sentences

What man who has smelled the first fragrance of the earth, has heard the birds on their northern flight and has seen an April brook upon its course, will withhold his credence even though the jest be plain?

They were ranged together on the Bankside and they sweat and smelled like congenial neighbors.

When I married Ed, anyways I thought I smelled big money.

Pullin' out my silver watch I says: "My sweet sented Plumbob, if you don't histe your butes away from that gate in 2 seconds I'le bust your biler with this 'ere bunch of bones," and I tickled the end of his probocis with my fist, as I gently rubbed it under his smeller.

A small unglazed window with iron bars high up on one wall gave us such light and air as was going, but the place reeked with human breathing, and smelled as rank as a kennel.

A man's brain whizzes along for years exceeding the speed limit, and something suddenly goes wrong with the steering-gear and it skids and comes a smeller in the ditch.

"Smelled the dope," was the brief answer.

As soon as I began overhauling your things, as you told me to, I smelled the stuff and I went on a still hunt for it.

He held it up to the light and again smelled it.

What a wonderful seer, hearer, smeller, taster, feeler, he must have beenand how, all the time, his mind must have played upon the gatherings of his senses!

Cornelius Agrippa relates out of Gulielmus Parisiensis, a story of one, that after a distasteful purge which a physician had prescribed unto him, was so much moved, "that at the very sight of physic he would be distempered," though he never so much as smelled to it, the box of physic long after would give him a purge; nay, the very remembrance of it did effect it;

He felt still the lift of the boat over the short swell, he smelled the pleasant combination of salt, and gasolene, and the whiff of the hayfields, and his eyes still kept the glare and the blue, and the swinging dark shape of the Dutchman's bows as he headed her down the bay.

I think she smelled this blow.

It was "reported" and "asserted" and "rumored" that fire was raging at one or two points there, statements that were overshadowed by positive knowledge of greater areas nearer at hand burning with a fierceness that could be seen and smelled.

I could smell the resinous fagots, I could see every twig upon the ground, I could hear every rustle of the branches, as I have never smelled or seen or heard save at such times of danger.

I was hungry that day and everything smelled so good.

The overseer come in and looked around, asked what he smelled burning.

Now he sniffed the air about him, now he rubbed a finger on the floor and smelled it, now he lay quiet and listened.

Then he reached up and scraped the stones with his finger nails in several places, and then held his fingers close to the candlelight and looked at them and smelled them.

"I was so worried!" Zip smelled the little girl's hair and realized how much he loved her and his home.

"You see we smelled mignonette, and followed a common impulse.

How sweet everything smelled!

Well, soon as ole Togs got done with 'is talk, I got my smeller dahn, follered up the scent, an' afore I knowed where I was, I was in it, up to my eyes!Out there in the room with the blood-red 'eap o' books!

And his father, that old Johnnie over the fireplaceyou take after him, Aunt Mariahe was the prize witch-smeller of his generation, and he condemned all the young and pretty ones.

Wonderful as they are, they have their counterparts in the works of man, as for instance: the camera, or artificial eye; the phonograph, or, artificial ear; the delicate chemical apparatus, or artificial taster and smeller; the telegraph, or artificial nerves.

4591 examples of  smeller  in sentences