415 examples of smuggle in sentences

As far as it was concerned, the affair seemed clear enough to most of the reporters, as an attempt to smuggle into the country an art object of great value.

"For instance, I'm not gonna smuggle liquor through any more.

All this was not agreeable, and at length I was forced to smuggle her out of Ravenna, having discovered a plot laid with the sanction of the legate, for shutting her up in a convent for life.

"He proposed I should smuggle him in, that he might be of service to you.

His money paid for the recent strike at the Westminster works of the Gas Light and Coke Company, by means of which Victor was able to smuggle a round number of his creatures into its service.

"Now how it came about that on his discharge he was allowed to live in a towncall it a village, rathera haven, at any ratewhere for a couple of napoleons he might have found a boat any night of the week to smuggle him over to Roscoff, is more than I can tell you.

There is no evidence that things have gone better with Christianity in India since then, in spite of the fact that the missionaries are now trying, contrary to stipulation and in schools exclusively designed for secular English instruction, to work upon the children's minds as they please, in order to smuggle in Christianity; against which the Hindoos are most jealously on their guard.

Here should come a letter from Lamb to Mrs. James Kenney, dated Sept. 11, 1822, in which Lamb says that Mary Lamb had reached home safely from France, and that she failed to smuggle Crabb Robinson's waistcoat.

Among the causes of regret, however, which are inseparable from the delay attending this transaction it is proper to state that satisfactory information has been received that measures have been recently adopted by designing persons to convert certain parts of the Province of East Florida into depots for the reception of foreign goods, from whence to smuggle them into the United States.

, Here Holland took the pious resolution, To smuggle a few years, and strive to mend A broken character and constitution.

When Lucretius left her they seem to have been staying at the villa where her parents had been murdered; she had given him all her gold and pearls, and kept him supplied in his absence with money, provisions, and even slaves, which she contrived to smuggle over sea to Epirus.

Neither am I obliged to smuggle, in order to avoid it.

They would send their flour, pork, rice, and lumber to St. Marys in Georgia and smuggle it over the river to Florida, or take it to the islands near Eastport in Maine and then smuggle it into New Brunswick.

They would send their flour, pork, rice, and lumber to St. Marys in Georgia and smuggle it over the river to Florida, or take it to the islands near Eastport in Maine and then smuggle it into New Brunswick.

As I have to escort you back, I will carry the things, unless you smuggle in some of the bedsteads.

Together we would smuggle out the manuscripts translate them togetherpublish the result together.

He resolved, through Me-en-gan, whom he divined as a friend of the girl's, to smuggle a message to Virginia bidding her hope.

"What could we do how with these few old fusees and cheap arms that we managed to smuggle acrossto say nothing of half of us being down sick?"

"We hadn't any more than got the cash and valuables ready to smuggle aboard, when down came Rasula upon us.

Special privileges were allowed certain individuals who had made private treaties with, or had bribed, the Spanish officials; and others were enabled to smuggle their goods in under various pretences, and by various devices; while the traders who were without such corrupt influence or knowledge found this river commerce hazardous in the extreme.

They hold out a little whilea very little; then they open their stores on Sunday, they import cargoes of Africans, they bribe the officials, they smuggle goods, they have colored housekeepers.

The diamonds which Hume tried to smuggle into this country were to have been turned into money at the time of the gang's arrest and the proceeds spent in their defense.

"Traitorous Americans here are aiding the insurgents to smuggle arms.

If a person believes our tariff laws to be unjust, is it right for him to smuggle goods?

We have some white men here who will smuggle rum, and sell it to the Indians, and as they have no license, they ought to be stopped.

415 examples of  smuggle  in sentences