155 examples of smut in sentences

Has that beard anythin' to do with smut?" "I think not.

No wonder smut is the worst trouble for wheat-raisers in the Northwest.

An' we lose millions of bushels from this smut.

"Bunt, or stinking smut, is caused by two different species of microscopic fungi which live as parasites in the wheat plant.

It takes eight smut spores to equal the diameter of a human hair.

The smut spore germinates

produces first a stage of the smut plant in the soil.

It should be noted first that the smut fungus is living at the expense of its host plant, the wheat, and its effect on the host may be summarized as follows: The consumption of food, the destruction of food in the sporulating process, and the stimulating or retarding effect on normal physiological processes.

"A crop may become infected with smut in a number of different ways.

Wheat taken from a smutty crop will have countless numbers of loose spores adhering to the grains, also a certain number of unbroken smut balls.

"There are also chances for the infection of a crop if absolutely smut-free seed is employed.

Experiments have shown that separated spores from crushed smut balls lose their effective power in from two to three months, provided the soil is moist and loose, and in no case do they survive a winter.

Experience shows that a fall stubble crop is less liable to smut infection than a crop following summer fallow.

of smut indicate either soil infection or imperfect treatment.

The principle of the chemical treatment is to use a poison which will kill the superficial spores of the smut and not materially injure the germinating power of the seed.

"Certain cultural practices are beneficial in reducing the amount of smut in all cases, while the value of others depends to some extent upon the source of the smut spores.

"Certain cultural practices are beneficial in reducing the amount of smut in all cases, while the value of others depends to some extent upon the source of the smut spores.

The factors which always influence the amount of smut are the temperature of the soil during the germinating period, the amount of soil moisture, and the depth of seeding.

"Early seeding has been practised by various farmers, and they report a marked reduction in smut.

"The replowing of the summer fallow after the first fall rains is generally effective in reducing the amount of smut.

Spring wheats generally suffer less from smut than winter varieties.

If only spring wheats were grown our smut problem would largely disappear; but a return to this practice is not suggested, since the winter wheats are much more desirable.

It seems probable that the conditions which prevail during the growing season may have considerable influence on the per cent of smut in any given variety.

Oh, the stringy-bark, &c. When we started to cut the rust and smut was just beginning to shed, And all we had to sleep on was a dog and sheep-skin bed.

IN A PEASANT HUT Sultry dampnesspine chips smoking, Off-scourings a span length, In the corners webs of spiders, Smut on dish and bench.

155 examples of  smut  in sentences