6 examples of snelgrove in sentences

[Sidenote: Drawing for Partners] Mr. Doran did the handing round of the drawing-papers, and they were "Marshall and Snelgrove," and "Lewis and Allenby," and "Debenham and Freebody," &c., and if you drew "Lewis" you went in with whoever drew "Allenby," and so on; it was a capital plan, only for one incident.

[Sidenote: Marshall and Snelgrove] It was quainter even than the frumps' dinner that Godmamma gave.

I had a very nervous young man with red hair and glasses to take me in; I drew "Snelgrove," so he was "Marshall."

He evidently had not understood a bit about the drawing, and kept calling me "Miss Snelgrove," until I was obliged to say to him, "But my name is not Snelgrove any more than yours is Marshall.

He evidently had not understood a bit about the drawing, and kept calling me "Miss Snelgrove," until I was obliged to say to him, "But my name is not Snelgrove any more than yours is Marshall.

" "But my name is Marshall," he said, "and I was told to find a lady of the name of 'Snelgrove,' and I wondered at the strange coincidence.

6 examples of  snelgrove  in sentences