22 examples of soa in sentences

I'm not mad, no, nor no more bewitcht than I have been these forty years; 'tis you're bewitcht to refuse so handsom, so young, and soa Pox on him, she'll ne'er relish me again after him.

It is soand soa trick.

There could be no doubt; yet, to keep the old man talking, he put the question, "She is very beautiful, the donzella?" "Eccellenza"with a pause and deprecatory movement of the shoulders"cosiso-soa little palelike a saintdevote.

is there no power on earth to stop this execrable annihilation of human and national rights, of freedom and independence?though there is a Republic powerful enough to do soa Republic founded upon the very principles which the despotic powers have put under an inexorable ban!

There is only one line which proves that this is not soa remark to the effect that, when Madam Dorf came to the town.

Well now, mamma, I want soa real dish of mountains and cream, if you ever heard of such a thing!

His distrust is so profound that he ceases not only to believe in the employer, but he ceases to believe in the law, ceases to believe in Parliament, as a means to that tolerable life he desires; and he falls back steadily upon his last resource of a strike, andif by repressive tactics we make it soa criminal strike.

"She is," muttered Markham, caressing the stubble at his chin, "entirely soa vagabondI should say, every inch of her.

Look yoI could have a hole knocked through t' back wall o' t' kitchen and a winder put thereand roon oop a wooden partition and make a passage for yo t' goa to yore awn plaace, soa's Maaggie'll not bae in yore road.

I'm goain' t' buy a new trap for yo, soa's yo can coom with mae and Daaisy.

But" "It'll not bae soa baad.

These consisted in part of being deaf, dumb and blind when he was told to be soa comparatively easy matter.

"Didn't you say soa few hours earlier in this conversation?

"We are face to face with a weird and gloomy casea case of a contemporary character, if I may say soa case possessing, in the fullest sense of the word, the hallmark of time, and circumstances pointing to a person and life of different surroundings.

'It wor an aunt o' hers, soa I understanquite a good bit o' money.' 'Did yer iver hear the name?' said John, eagerly.

" "Ayejust soa Lancashire woman

"Na, but ye's not gang soa," says the boor, and comes up to me, and takes hold of the horse's bridle to stop me; at which, vexed at heart that I could not tell how to talk to him, I reached him a great knock on the pate with my fork, and fetched him off of his horse, and then began to mend my pace.

"Na, and ye serve me soa," says the fellow, "Ise ene gang with ye, for I care not for hanging; and ye'll get me a good horse, Ise gang and be one of ye, for I'll nere come heame more."

I could have loved a mother soa sisterI could have had such happy feelings for a place that I could have felt was home.

"I hope soa little.

I wished I could encouraged 'em by tellin' 'em soa word of praise

I asked her some questions about them, and she told me that one of her brothers, who belonged to Mr. K, was hired by that gentleman to a Mr. G of Darien, and that, upon the latter desiring to purchase him, Mr. K had sold the man without apprising him or any one member of his family that he had done soa humane proceeding that makes one's blood boil when one hears of it.

22 examples of  soa  in sentences