81 examples of social changes in sentences

It followed that they were fiercely impatient of hardships and suffering, especially such as they thought might be redressed by political and social changes.

A long period of intrigue and misrule, of wars and revolutions, has been followed by material, mental and social changes affecting every class of the people, and especially that class which had hitherto been almost entirely unconsidered.

What the American people can or cannot do is a matter of opinion, but that social changes are imminent appears to be almost certain.

3 Cultural changes Together with the economic and social changes in this period, there came cultural changes.

The improvement of her position and the amelioration of her lot can only come slowly, through social changes, as expressed in the woman movement, and through the widening scope of the principle of specialization.

That doctrine of rights, so scorned by George Eliot, has wrought most of the great and wholesome social changes of modern times.

It is part and parcel of the wide-spread social changes which have gradually been proceeding.

While, conversely, an age which, like ours, has seen so many equitable social changes thrust on the legislature by public opinion, is very unlikely to be an age in which the transactions between individuals have been growing more inequitable.

The majesty, the vastness of an imperial polity, outlasting all states and kingdoms, all social changes and political revolutions, answered at once to the promises of the prophecies, and to the antecedent idea of the universal kingdom of God.

But after all, more important, perhaps, than even marriage and divorce, are the great social changes which arise from the general engaging of women in industrial occupation.

These illustrations are arranged, so far as is possible, in chronological order, and the descriptions which accompany them are explanatory of the historical and social changes which have influenced the manners and customs, and directly or indirectly affected the Furniture of different nations.

in 1453, an historical panorama of striking incidents and great social changes bearing upon our subject.

It was a reaction from the social changes that were going on in Israel, a protest against the new-fashioned ways of wealth, an earnest effort to hold to the simplicities of earlier days, to the good old plain living and high thinking.

Planet-wide economic, political and social changes had been made during the previous half-century.

All human communities, pre-civilized and civilized, have had gifted leaders whose thoughts and actions have brought about social changes.

Profound social changes result from discoveries and inventions: the wheel, the arch, steam and gas engines, electricity, atomic power.

Social changes follow alterations in the weather.

During long periods, social changes are so gradual that they are unnoticed save by the more sensitive and perceptive.

At other times, social changes tumble over one another in an overwhelming revolutionary flood which sweeps away the old, yielding place to new, "lest one good custom should corrupt the world".

During the cold war years following 1945 each of these groups was undergoing the drastic social changes incident to the worldwide revolution of the period.

Fundamental social changes were bound to follow the revolutionary technical transformations that took place during the world-wide revolution of 1750-1970.

Social changes in feudal Europe had been gradual.

Through all of the political, economic and social changes made in the structure and function of western civilization its basic activities have remained unchanged.

It is folly to assert that human nature is a given and unalterable quantity in every social situation and that since "you cannot change human nature" intentional social changes are out of the question.

But I shall be encouraged to hope for a favourable, or at least an indulgent, sentence upon these Reminiscences, if to any of my readers I shall have opened a fresh insight into the subject of social changes amongst us.

81 examples of  social changes  in sentences