99 examples of social reforms in sentences

" "Social reform!"

What has the kindergarten to do with social reform?

And the experience of the most advanced countries confirms this by the beneficent and preventive influence of criminal legislation resting on efficacious social reforms.

Unless the remedy of social reforms accompanies the development and protection of labor; unless justice is assured to every member of the collectivity, the courage of this or that citizen is spent in vain, and the evil plant will continue to thrive in the jungle.

(2) Langland, the poet and prophet of social reforms.

Thus his Peg Woffington is a study of stage life from behind the scenes; A Terrible Temptation is a study of social reforms and reformers; and Put yourself in his Place is the picture of a workingman who struggles against the injustice of the trades unions.

But finding the clergy hostile to civil and social reforms, he sought to change the organization of the Church itself.

They have taken pains to ally the interests alike of capital and labour to their policy, and to fuse the whole nation by a uniform national education and by a series of paternal social reforms imposed from above.

Graduated from University of New York 1876, and from Columbia Law School 1878; lawyer in New York 1878-89; judge of international court at Alexandria, Egypt, 1889-94; returned to New York 1894, and interested himself in social reform.

What is the quickest and surest way to bring about desirable social reforms?

Do not dream, if any mishap of a certain kind were to come to pass in India that you can go on with that programme of social reforms, all costing money and absorbing attention, in the spirit in which you are now about to pursue it.

You must admit that in popular government the ballot is the most potent means of all moral and social reforms.

Of late years we have heard much of Socialists, Communists, Fourierites, and so forth; but the word Agrarians comprehends all these, and is often made to include men who have no more idea of engaging in social reforms than they have of pilgrimizing to the Fountains of the Nile.

But although he had grasped power arbitrarily and by force, Cromwell used it well and wisely, and many wise laws and great social reforms were passed by the Parliament under his orders.

Charles Kingsley and his fellow-workers for Social Reform expected a revolution in April 1848.

V. The Encyclopedia of Social Reforms: edited by William D.P. Bliss, with the Co-operation of many Specialists.

In Felix Holt, George Eliot would teach the world that true social reform is not to be secured by act of Parliament, or by the possession of the ballot on the part of all workingmen.

Here the social reformer Leigh Hunt came, and for the moment forgot that social reforms were needed.

American social reform movements: their pattern since 1865.

MYERS, MARGARET G. Monetary proposals for social reform.

Nevertheless, such is history; and it should be represented as it really was: first of all, for truth's sake; then for the due appreciation of virtue and all it costs of effort and sacrifice; and, lastly, for the purpose of showing what obstacles have to be surmounted, what struggles endured, and what sufferings borne, when the question is the accomplishment of great moral and social reforms.

Of course, England's misfortune was in having the war catch her in the transition from an old order of things to social reforms.

She also translated from the French several stories illustrative of various social reforms, and in 1867, being then seventy-five years old, she made a somewhat abridged translation of Lamartine's poetical biography of Joan of Arc.

Locally they are working for the social reforms demanded by the first American suffrage convention, held in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848.

I must reiterate my belief that the modification of the house itself to the life the twentieth century is calling for is the first step in social reform.

99 examples of  social reforms  in sentences