12 examples of sociologically in sentences

I already have tried to show what seem to me the destructive factors, secularly and sociologically.

5 Sociological analysis of the petty States The states that took the place of Fu Chien's empire, those many diminutive states (the Chinese speak of the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms), may be divided from the economic point of view into two groupstrading states and warrior states; sociologically they also fall into two groups, tribal states and military states.

Sociologically regarded, during this period only the Southern and Northern Liang were still tribal states.

Sociologically regarded, that dynasty formed merely a transition stage on the way to the Sung dynasty that now followed: the Chinese gentry ruled under the leadership of an upstart who had risen from the ranks, and they ruled in accordance with the old principles of gentry rule.

I find myself forced to depreciate these modern idols, and to reinstate the Greek social philosophers in their vacant niches, to ask you rather to go to Plato for the proper method, the proper way of thinking sociologically.

Politically in a democratic nation, and sociologically in its effects upon the size of families and the raising of healthy children, the preservation of an independent American yeomanry is of fundamental importance to the nation.

Speaking sociologically, the structure of Egyptian society from sometime before 3,400 B.C., to 525 B.C., passed through four distinct phases or stages.

Sociologically speaking this is the antithesis of the situation we have been considering: expansion and exploitation in the interests and for the purposes of the expanding forces.

This shifting balance and/or imbalance with its resulting build-up and/or break-down exists geographically, biologically, sociologically.

These "greats" were the divinely, ideologically or sociologically inspired.

Beyond this point it is a losing propositionpolitically, economically, sociologically.

As sociologically defined, the family means a common housecommon, that is, to the family, but excluding all else.

12 examples of  sociologically  in sentences