975 examples of sol in sentences

That you shall, Sir, Sol la me fa sol, &c. Fran.

That you shall, Sir, Sol la me fa sol, &c. Fran.


Is it a fact that, because Sol is the Latin for Sun, being on the Sun is therefore equivalent to being a SOLON?

So methinks, for here's nothing but sol-Re-fa-mi.

Sol, Ra, me, Fa, Mi. Cor.

Sol, my soule; re, is all rent and torne like a raggamuffin; me, mend it, good Captaine; fa, fa,whats fa, Captaine? Bal.

Sol, Re, me, fa, miI have it now; Solus Rex me facit miseram.

I warned Sam, so he had me whip' an' sol' down de ribber.

Solomon Gills is wondering where Walter is, when a voice exclaims, "Halloa, Uncle Sol!" and the instrument-maker, turning briskly around, sees a cheerful-looking, merry boy fresh with running home in the rain; fair-faced, bright-eyed and curly-haired.

As to being hungry, I am!" "Come along, then, uncle!" cried the boy, and Uncle Sol and his nephew were speedily engaged on a fried sole, with a prospect of steak to follow.

"Why, uncle Sol!" said the boy, "What are you about?

that's the wonderful Madeirathere's only one more bottle!" Uncle Sol nodded his head, and having drawn the cork in solemn silence, filled two glasses, and set the bottle and a third clean glass on the table.

" "Yes," said Sol, "a little more.

"Wal'r, overhaul the book, my lad!" "And although Mr. Dombey hasn't a daughter" Sol began.

"Nevertheless, we'll drink to him," pursued Sol.

"Halloa, Uncle Sol," cried Walter, bursting into the shop; "Here's a wonderful adventure!

" Returning to his uncle's with Miss Nipper, Walter found that Florence, much refreshed by sleep, had dined and come to be on terms of perfect confidence and ease with old Sol.

" Uncle Sol was quite delighted, and kissed her like her grandfather.

Old Sol was overcome by the extent of this calamity, which he could not avert, and Walter hurried out to fetch Captain Cuttle to discuss the situation.

To the lad's dismay, the Captain insisted upon applying to Mr. Dombey at once for the necessary loan which would help old Sol out of his difficulty.

Florence was running after them, to send some message to old Sol, when Mr. Dombey called her back, bidding her stay where she was, and so the episode ended.

Upon receiving the message, Florence hastened with Susan Nipper to the old Instrument-maker's Shop, and they passed into the parlor so suddenly that Uncle Sol, in surprise at seeing them, sprang out of his own chair and nearly tumbled over another, as he exclaimed, "Miss Dombey!" "Is it possible!"

Just at this time she learned that Walter's ship was overdue, and no news had been received of her, and, her mind filled with sad forebodings, she went to see old Sol, She found him tearful and desolate, broken down by the weight of his anxiety, refusing to be comforted even by the hopeful words of Captain Cuttle.

"And now," said he, "You must take some breakfast, Lady Lass, and the dog shall have some too, and after that you shall go aloft to old Sol Gill's room, and fall asleep there, like an angel.

975 examples of  sol  in sentences