189 examples of soma in sentences

Another famous sacred plant is the soma or moon-plant of India, the Asclepias acida, a climbing plant with milky juice, which Windischmann has identified with the "tree of life which grew in paradise."

Its milk juice was said to confer immortality, the plant itself never decaying; and in a hymn in the Rig Veda the soma sacrifice is thus described: "We've quaffed the soma bright And are immortal grown, We've entered into light And all the gods have known.

Its milk juice was said to confer immortality, the plant itself never decaying; and in a hymn in the Rig Veda the soma sacrifice is thus described: "We've quaffed the soma bright And are immortal grown, We've entered into light And all the gods have known.

The words were: "Now I'll kill you, Soma," and the chant was a poem of consolation to the spirit of the dead Toni, assuring it that the hour of vengeance was at hand, and that Soma would go to the great unknown the moment he got within reach of the yachting knife.

The words were: "Now I'll kill you, Soma," and the chant was a poem of consolation to the spirit of the dead Toni, assuring it that the hour of vengeance was at hand, and that Soma would go to the great unknown the moment he got within reach of the yachting knife.

"I think the captain told Soma to kill your brother," I said softly.

" "But Soma?"

"I kill Soma when chance comes," muttered Kaipi.

"Soma is no friend of mine and I'll help you as much as I can if you turn over the note which the captain gave you and do just what I tell you.

At that moment duty was forgotten in the thirst for vengeance upon Soma, and the debate with his conscience was of short duration.

"Me catch Soma, that's all.

"And don't be in too great a hurry to fix Soma," I cautioned.

At last we found the traces of Soma's handiwork with an axe, and guided by these signs we hurried forward.

With a wave of his hand he ordered Kaipi to the fire where Soma and the other five islanders were sitting, and nodded his head as an intimation that I could stay.

Leith had the camp astir by daybreak, and after a hasty breakfast we trailed off behind Soma and the carriers, heading directly toward the basalt towers that rose up in the middle of the island.

Soma and his five mates are Leith's pets, you can bet your life on that, but we have one ally in your friend Kaipi.

Soma, who was in the lead, found his way by occasional marks that could only be visible to the eye of a native.

"Soma has been here more than once," he replied.

I took an axe and helped Soma chop a path which would make it easier for the two sisters, but no matter what amount of trouble we took, they found it a difficult matter to follow.

As we neared the place, Soma, who was walking about ten paces in front of the carriers, slackened speed, and the islanders dropped back till Leith and the Professor led the procession.

Soma, go over the rim and show them.

Revenge for Toni's death being the one motive that inspired him, he had followed the procession, watched from the bushes till the other two dancers had left Soma's double with us on the top of the table, and had then climbed quietly up and knifed the officiating wizard while that person was exhorting the stone centipede to make a good job of Holman and me.

The two girls and the Professor were in charge of Soma and the one-eyed white man, who, we now learned, was deaf and dumb.

By Soma Morgenstern, translated by Ludwig Lewisohn.

In this sacrifice of king Janaka, the principal hymns relating to the Uktha rites are being chanted, and the Soma juice also is being adequately quaffed.

189 examples of  soma  in sentences